Nori had been doing an excellent job of keeping the tears at bay until she texted the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Clayburn, about the death of their prized tulip and read their quick reply. The couple was nothing but kind and understanding, saying that as long as she was okay it would be fine and that she didn’t have to worry about paying for the blossom. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back and the blonde broke down, covering her mouth to muffle the sound of a sob. [i]’I don’t have time for this right now, I have to get this place cleaned up so I can get out of here on time. You know, so I don’t get my face bashed in by a sledgehammer,’[/i] the short girl reminded herself, scrubbing her hands angrily over her eyes to dry away the tears. Composure slightly regained, Nori grabbed the garbage can and dragged it to the back, crouching down to scoop up the sharp edges of the shattered clay pot. The doorbell chimed as someone entered the store and Nori started to steel herself for an interesting interaction with a customer, but stopped short when she heard Kyle’s familiar voice calling her name. [i]’Just go away,’[/i] Nori willed, wiping her face furiously again to hopefully clear any evidence that she had been crying. The blonde looked like a hideous, drowned raccoon, with her hair still dripping wet and her mascara smeared in every direction. She had stripped her flannel shirt off when she had first come in, but had at least had the foresight to put her coat back on and zip it closed, concealing the white tank top had become translucent and obscene from the rain. Nori heard Kyle’s footsteps as he drew closer and she screwed her eyes shut grinding her teeth in frustration. “Nori…,” the tall boy started and Nori cringed at how gently he said it, causing a shard of the ruined flower pot to slice one of her fingers. "Can we talk...please?" “What Kyle, what do you want?” She hissed angrily before flicking her eyes up at him. He looked awful too, still soaking from the rain and his handsome face all cut up and swelling in some places. Nori began to feel the beginnings of guilt claw its way through her mind and she said again, softer this time. “What do you want, Kyle?” [@BeastofDestiny]