[@Delta44] "You'll catch a cold out here in the rain like this." A soft, low voice came like a murmur in the sounds of the falling rain, and if the raven haired woman had any part of her sopping wet in the rain before, now no drops fell on her entirely. Hunched on the bench, the man with the striking silver hair stood above her, holding his deep indigo umbrella over hers, and ensuring no drops at all would touch her skin. Of course, said chivalrous act did not stop the rain from falling on him as he said not another word, letting a note of silence ring between the two of them. Droplets soon enough covered his glasses, though if she looked up, she'd be met with solemn brown eyes and at seeing her face, a small, concerned, if curt, smile. As he was driving past, Shiny Park not being far from the Tiny Snowflake at all, he had seen a flash of yellow unmistakably familiar, and with the billowing black locks that accompanied it, he was certain he had seen this person before. What actually made him park the car into a bay and follow this woman was the fact that he noticed her running, as if trying to get away from something. Bad things happened in bad weather. Bad things happened in bad weather. Offering her his open gloved hand (what, and you thought Shou would let his fingers go cold and numb? Not when he had to drive!), he held it before her as if for her to take so he could pull her gently to her feet. The leather was as white as his now wet hair, progressively growing limp as more moisture collected, but made it shine. Though he wasn't quite focused on that. The lady, solemn as she sat, and on the very verge of tears, had a melancholy beauty about her he couldn't place. So charmed was he that he allowed the moment to linger, just a little longer, before speaking again. "Miss Mochizukki, I would be hard-pressed to forget a face as lovely as yours, even here in the misty rain. Forgive me; I happened to follow you here..." he let his voice trail off, tilting his head back and with curious brown eyes, finally observing the area they found themselves in, "...because I thought I recognised you, and wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night. I'm lucky to have bumped into you, perhaps more like made it so, today." "And I noticed you seemed...melancholy. A muse in the pouring rain, sitting alone by the trees." Shou Matsuoka, somewhere deep down, subconsciously still loved the rain. It made him more romantic, for sure. It reminded him of better times. It was a bittersweet memory to the man. "And if there is anything at all that I can do to make your rainy day a little brighter..." he bowed a little here, though with a more noble air behind it, only just dropping the idea of kneeling before her on the grassy pathway when remembering that it was raining, and his knees would be soaking wet, "...I'm quite prepared to dedicate a portion of this Sunday to doing just that." He paused, before adding with a little flush, "Ryoki." ...and, as if right out of any comic relief panel ever, as if on cue of a sadistic director who ran life itself, Shou's stomach let out a low grumble that made the unsuspecting man flinch. [i]Ah yes, hunger pangs...[/i] "If you would allow me the pleasure, would some..." he checked his watch. Lunchtime. "...lunch at the Tiny Snowflake with me sound like a plan?"