[b]Name:[/b] Teruk [b]Age:[/b] 54 [b]Rank/Position:[/b] Lieutenant, Ship's Counselor [b]Race:[/b] Half Vulcan/Half Betazoid [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/3/33/Talok_as_Vulcan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080506183642&path-prefix=en[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Most people think that Vulcans never lie, and are always either friendly or at least neutral. Those people haven't met Teruk. He will do whatever he believes is the most tactically sound in the moment. In the past, he has resorted to actions that many would consider cruel. He, however, considers them necessary, and, as the saying goes, what is necessary is never unwise. [b]History:[/b] As a young man growing up on Mars, he quickly became known as a bit of a delinquent, much to the disappointment of his father. His mother, however, thought that he was just misunderstood. After all, there weren't many half-vulcans on the planet, and none his own age. He ended up winning a bit of popularity by preforming various tricks with his telepathy, but soon the other kids grew tired of it. As the attention he craved left him, he started doing more and more daring things, including picking fights and a bit of minor theft. At the age of nineteen, the later got him arrested. As part of his plea to get out of detention, and at the request of his father, he asked to join Star Fleet. He graduated and served as an ensign in the medical department for several years before receiving a promotion and being transferred. The location to which he was transferred has been hidden on his record, but he came back just months ago, being transferred to the Orion. [b][b]Skills:[/b][/b] Science, medical, counseling [b]Other:[/b] none [b]Sample Post:[/b] Teruk felt the heat of a phaser as it shot past his cheek. "If I remain under fire like this, it will be difficult to render medical assistance, Captain." The Captain, a Human dressed in leather, fired back. "I know, Teruk, I know. This wasn't supposed to happen." They had come here to meet a Ferengi who said he could get his hands on a tri-cobalt device for them. He had sold them out to the Cardassians, though. Teruk fired back, hitting one of the Cardassians in the chest, knocking him down if not killing him. "Captain, I believe if you can buy me some time, I can get a signal through to the ship so that they can beam us out of here." "But isn't there too much ionic interference in the area with all of these power conduits around?" Teruk fired his phaser, now on maximum, at the power conduit behind the nearest group of Cardassians. It exploded, sending shrapnel into the crates they were hiding behind, missing him by only centimeters. "Not for long." he said. The next thirty seconds were filled with a hail of phaser fire, as the Cardassians began advancing on their position. Thanfully, they were able to hold the now flanking forces off long enough for the wounded to begin disappearing in a reddish beam of light. A few seconds later Teruk stopped firing, noticing that his gun was almost depleted, and was also swept up. In the transporter room aboard the antique Klingon freighter he stepped off the pad and, laying his rifle down, opened his kit and began to run a dermal regenerator over the wounds of his injured comrades. "He'll need to be taken to sickbay, I can't do enough for him here." Teruk told the two crewmen standing there. They put the man on a stretcher and started carrying him away. The Captain walked over the door and hit the button on the comm panel. "Are we still hidden T'Sil?" he asked. "Cloaking device is operational and has received no damage." she said. "Good, then get us back home, Maximum warp." He responded. A few seconds later there was a lurch in the ship as it jumped to warp. "The mission appears to have been a failure." Teruk said. "We failed our only objective and received three casualties for our trouble." The Captain slapped him on the shoulder. "That's what I like about being a Maquis," he said, "There's never a dull moment."