He winced at how curt her reply was, she was pissed at him and he knew it, but when she repeated the question again softer this time, Kyle exhaled softly; at least she was willing to hear him out. [color=LimeGreen]"To apologize..."[/color] he stated simply, her hair looked quite frazzled, matted down in some places from the water, make-up smears across her eyes, face and coat, if he didn't know any better, he'd say she had been crying and frankly...he couldn't blame her. A lot was on his mind now a lot he wanted to say, everything from the fight, to Nori scolding the two idiots, Nick, her face... but now that he was actually here, in front of this woman...where did he even start? He scratched his head and just...started talking. [color=LimeGreen]"I wasn't the one to deal the first blow in that fight...but it was a fight I shouldn't have gotten into all the same, especially not here of all places and not in front of...you..."[/color] He felt his heart clench up, remembering that face of anger she had displayed, but even behind the anger, he saw the disappointment in her eyes too, [color=LimeGreen]"It was a petty fight, one with the potential to destroy livelihoods, and I don't want to be the one responsible for destroying yours,"[/color] At this point Kyle dropped down to his knees and crouched down, his slightly swollen forehead reacting to the cold tile below, [color=LimeGreen]"From the bottom of my heart Nori Haywood, I am sorry and I hope that you can forgive me, and...if you can find room for more....please forgive Nick too..."[/color]