[@Dredigan] Alright, here's my idea (if you like it other people can feel free to choose it as a race for their character :D ) [hider=Timtem] Race: Timtem Characteristics: Timtems are furry mammals standing anywhere between 3-5 feet tall. They have large eyes, large ears, and a muzzle-like face. Bi-pedal with delicate legs and elongated fingers with a thin membrane stretched between them (very much like a bat) and long prehensile tails. In spite of their appearance of having wings, Timtems cannot fly, only glide on the air or flap short distances without ever getting very far off the ground. They are expert climbers with highly attuned senses of hearing and smell. They have a fascination with trinkets, baubles, or anything pretty, often adorning themselves in jewelry and silks as a status symbol. [hider=Example:][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/ae1c/i/2014/299/5/0/bat__oc_scan_by_wildcardart-d847slr.jpg[/img][/hider] Planet: Tem, their home planet, is actually a heavily forested moon orbiting an uninhabited gas giant. Almost the entire surface of Tem is covered in trees, some of which can grow up to half a mile high. The Timetems make their homes in the canopy of these trees, and can live out their entire lives without ever touching the ground far below (which is little more than a watery marsh). Culture and Behavior: Timtems seem very tribal in the nature of their culture, and their technology is still rather primitive. However, they are highly intelligent and quick to adapt, which makes them fast learners as well as ingenious creators. They are very passive creatures and don't like to stir up trouble, but this contrasts with their insatiable curiosity about the world around them. Not ones to build their own spacecraft, Timtems are expert hitchhikers who, once venturing out into the galaxy, became extremely successful inventors, programmers, and mechanics whose skills were in high demand. [/hider]