[center] [img]http://brighton.classi4uk.com/uploads/uk/0/uk_192_1310861340_895955/black%20gypsy%20..jpg[/img] Zander was asleep in the slums of LA, dirty and cold he was but his protector family had been killed to save him from a monster attack, for that he was grateful. He had his eyes closed pained and nightmares plagued his mind . he woke up to the sound of hooves and a old familiar tune that he heard whistling. looking from the corner he saw a massive mare and a male walking through the streets, the tune was too similar to an old lullaby he had heard. The boy scampered after them “wait please how do you know that lullabye ?” he asked frantic to know before he smacked into the mare’s leg and fell over. He blinked as a female voice came from the horse as it spoke softly to him to make him safe [i]Hush now Zander be still now don’t cry, you are safe right now child of the world of the dead. I am Alpha your father’s war horse. You are safe come follow me child i shall lead you to safety. Come follow me[/i] The horse lead him down the road and through the streets of the world of LA and took him to a girl that stood there. She had hoofed legs and Xander couldn’t help but be worried. He looked back to see the figure on the horse and the horse start to disappear into the shadows. Zander blinked his eyes. “wait why ?” he yelled but they were gone. He opened his hand to see a black jewel in his hand with the symbol of a three headed dog and a bat swimming around. It made no sense to him so he followed the girl off to the camp where he would stay, but now the dangerous part of his life unfolded and little did he know he was in for a hell of a year. Alpha the large war horse of Hades went back to the underworld unseen in the shadow with Hades on her back, the massive mare snorted looking back at Hades with gentle eyes, [i]You are worried for your child, i do not blame you, if the Olympians ever found out, War would happen and He would be killed.[/i] ------------------------------ [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/269/2/2/Golden_Griffin_by_Ayem.jpg[/img] Apollo sat in Olympus thinking to himself slowly as he looked down at his daughter on earth and smiled gently and looking at his pet griffin that caws nodding and swooped down slowly and came to the house and landed on her porch and caws gently for the girl to come forth and to be ready to ride off to the camp. The griffin would be her pet and guardian in camp. The griffin watched the girl come out and spoke inside of her head slowly [i]My dear child I have been sent to aid you to the camp and protect you from evil, I am Marahute the golden griffin of the sun[/i][/center]