So that's where he recognized Shizuka from. He was often in the Biology department himself, although probably more than he wanted to be. Biology was never his favorite subject, but knowing everything about oral microbiology and dental anatomy was a must for a future dentist. Alban waved her onwards, letting her go back to her duties since the café was starting to get crowded now. A curious girl with pink hair and strange glasses wandered in and sat herself at the table next to him. Maybe it was just him, but there was an air of vanity around her. The way she sat, just the way she held herself made her seem like she didn't belong her. Perhaps she was just a rich kid who was trying to imitate the middle class lifestyle? Barely even a few minutes in, the lady was already being wooed by a blond haired man who was offering to buy her coffee. Alban wasn't sure of his accent, but it sounded kind of like German. He'd only visited Europe twice in his life time, and on both occasions, he'd spent the majority of his time in France and maybe a day or two in Germany. This definitely did not qualify him as an expert on European languages. He eavesdropped on their conversation for a little longer until he saw Shizuka bring out the girl's order: a massive goblet of some unholy concoction. Alban's blue eyes went wide with a mixed look of disgust and amazement on his face. Why in the world would anybody want that? [color=6ecff6]"Putain de merde..."[/color] [French: Holy shit...] he cursed under his breath. Having had quite his fill of eavesdropping for one day, he turned his head to see what his little girl was doing. She had been with the waiter-turned-magician, Zac, but now... Alban had no idea where she had gone. The muffin that had been in front of her seat was now crumbs, so she couldn't have gotten too far. With a sigh, he got up from his chair to search for his mischievous rascal. [hr] [color=f49ac2]"Okay, Mr. Alien! You have a deal! But you had better give me moon rocks when I come back!"[/color] she said to Zac while clapping her hands together. She scampered back into her seat, leaving the waiter able to do his job at last. Her blueberry muffin with a cute cherry on top awaited her, and like a flash of lightning, it was gone! Her daddy was transfixed on the couple next to their table, which caused the tiny girl to tilt her head in amusement. When he was really into things, he tended to narrow his eyes and breathe more slowly. She didn't dare interrupt him, so she began to look for things to do herself. It was only then that she realized that the lady that she saw outside with the bag had entered with another woman, sitting a few tables over. Fickle curiosity gripped the little girl, and she plopped back down to the ground again, determined to see what was in that bag! If the alien wouldn't help her, then she would do it on her own! She crouched low and hid beneath the table right behind the younger looking woman, her own blue eyes gazing at the designer bag like a tiger eyes its next meal. While the lady was distracted in conversation, she crawled out from underneath the table and began to tug the bag towards her. After what seemed to be an eternity of slowly dragging the bag, Lucille finally had it! She sat back under the table and stuck her hand to reveal the enchanting surprise her catch had netted her. What came before her eyes was something she was not expecting at all: it was the most precious stuffed rabbit she had ever seen! In a fit of joy, she tried to rush back to her daddy with her new rabbit, but came up too fast and hit her head against the table. Dramatically, she flailed onto the floor. Immediately, a loud whine emitted from Lucille. Escalating fast, the whine turned into a symphony of sobs as Lucille lay in a heap, clutching the stuffed animal to her form. [hr] At the first sounds of his daughter's crying, Alban rushed over to the crumpled over girl. [color=6ecff6]"Honey, what did you do?!"[/color] he asked her, getting her back to her feet and doing his best to console his crying daughter. [color=f49ac2]"I hit my head on the mean tableeeee!"[/color] Lucille replied, tears bubbling in her eyes. Sighing, Alban looked over at the table she had been hiding under and noticed the designer bag that had been left under there. He then noticed the rabbit she was holding. It didn't take a criminal detective to understand what Lucille had being while she was over here. He wasn't mad though since she was, after all, just a little girl and needed to learn right from wrong. [color=6ecff6]"I'm sorry that happened, but, Lucille, did you steal that rabbit while you were under there?" [/color] As quickly as she started crying, she fell silent just as fast. The little girl sniffled and hung her head for a moment before nodding a yes to her father. She really didn't want to let it go though. [color=6ecff6]"See? Bad things happen when you commit bad actions. Why don't you go give that back to its rightful owner?"[/color] Alban told his daughter, kneeling down so he was on her level. On her father's orders, Lucille marched back to the lady like a grief stricken widow, holding the stuffed animal outstretched. She still had her head bowed, her long blond hair obscuring her facial features. Moreover, it was quite apparent that the poor girl was quivering from sadness. [color=f49ac2]"I'm sorry I took Coco Rabbit from you. He's very nice and fluffy and I love him, but... You can have him back."[/color] Lucille apologized, finally raising her head, a sorrowful expression laced into her tear stricken eyes, to this new woman. [@lovely complex] [@KoL]