She was kind to the waitress. Copen noticed that. He wrapped his hands around the warm mug, long fingers overlapping eachother. He'd gotten a very wrong initial impression of this girl, when he'd seen her for the first time. It was a stereotype of glasses - quiet and intelligent. She certainly wasn't quiet, although he couldn't tell much about the intelligence yet. As Mitty chattered on, he listened to her every word. He was quite invested in her words; she was interesting. She'd done a lot of travel? To Denmark as well? He was quite impressed. The blond nodded, smile fading slightly as she became more incensed. This girl had a lot of... fire, if anything. She'd probably talk the hind leg off a donkey. When the conversation finally came back to him, he shook his head, but paused as she was distracted. Copen glanced the way she was looking too, noticing a scene with a little girl. Huh. Not particularly interesting. He wasn't a big fan of children, although he thought he'd make a great uncle. "No, but I learned Japanese at school and university back in Denmark," he explained. "I'd always been fascinated with Japanese culture, and had wanted to visit. It's the sort of thing that's hard to explain." Shrugging, he took another sip of his coffee. "I'm working as a waiter at the Danish restaurant down the street. It's the only one in town. Do you know it?" he asked. Something about her was slightly off. It didn't feel like she should be here, with him, in this middle-class cafe. She travelled and knew languages and looked ever so slightly... familiar. [@lovely complex]