[b]Unapproved[/b] [b]-Faction name:[/b] Great Qarthine [b]-Faction Type:[/b] City-state [b]-Flag/Banner:[/b] TBA [b]NATIONAL[/b] [b]-Capital:[/b] Qarthine [b]-Government Type:[/b] Monarchy led by the Sorceress-Queen Amidasura, but effectively a Triarchy ruled alongside her constable Relan Kil, and arcanist Salas Athal. [b]-Currency:[/b] Qarthine currency comes in the form of golden chain links, and are referred to as 'links'. [hider=Currency]Qarthine currency carries some subtle symbolism. The city was founded largely by slaves, who now pay with broken chain links.[/hider] [b]-Population:[/b] 250,000~ [b]-Unique Trait #1:[/b] TBA [b]-Unique Trait #2:[/b] TBD [b]-Unique Flaw #1:[/b] TBA [b]-Unique Flaw #2:[/b] TBD [b]GEOGRAPHICAL[/b] [b]-World-Realm Map:[/b] TBA [b]-Major Cities:[/b] Qarthine [b]-Major Castles:[/b] TBA [b]-Buildings of Interest:[/b] TBA [b]-Geographic Features of Interest:[/b] [i]The Sea of Giants[/i] - [hider=Sea of Giants]Great Qarthine sits at the heart of the Sea of Giants; a vast desert expanse littered with the colossal remains of metal constructs. The colossal beasts of metal jut out from the desert sands like the half-buried carcasses of long-dead giants.[/hider] [i]The River of Sorrows/The Sorrow[/i] - [hider=The River of Sorrows] The Sorrow is a river running through the Sea of Giants. When Sorceress-Queen Amidasura led the freed slaves of the Drathan Union to Qarthine, their tears formed The River of Sorrows.[/hider] [b]RACIAL[/b] [b]-Majority Race:[/b] Human [b]-Minority Races:[/b] TBD [b]NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE[/b] [b]-Head of State/Monarch:[/b] Sorceress-Queen Amidasura [b]-Ruling Dynasty:[/b] N/A [b]-Constable Of The Army:[/b] Relan Kil [b]-Religious Head (If Applicable):[/b] Lorespeaker Salas Athal [b]-Persons of interest:[/b] Sorceress-Queen Amidasura - [hider=Sorceress-Queen Amidasura]A Drathan, Sorceress-Queen Amidasura is a powerful master of the arcane, and the ruler of Great Qarthine since its founding almost five-hundred years ago.[/hider] Relan Kil - [hider=Relan Kil]Relan Kil is the leader of the Inheritor Guard. In the days of the Telavin Empire, the Guard protected the heirs to the Telavin throne. Now, the Guard protects Great Qarthine and the Sorceress-Queen Amidasura.[/hider] Lorespeaker Salas Athal - [hider=Lorespeaker Salas Athal]Salas Athal is an adviser of Sorceress-Queen Amidasura and the leader of the Lorespeakers, an influential monastic order of academics and arcanists loyal to Qarthine and its Sorceress-Queen.[/hider] [b]CULTURAL[/b] [b]-History:[/b] [b]-List of Historical Grievances:[/b] Having been founded largely by freed slaves, Qarthine is extremely hostile to slavers and states in which slavery is practiced. In particular, the city has had a long-standing rivalry with the Drathan Union. [b]-Relations[/b] TBD [b]-Cultural Notes[/b] Slavery and Masks - [hider=Slavery and Masks] Great Qarthine was founded by the freed slaves of the Drathan Union, led there by the Drathan sorceress Amidasura. This has shaped Qarthine society in many ways, as is reflected in their disdain for all forms of forced servitude. Another cultural aspect linked to its slave founders is the use of masks. Residents of Qarthine are almost never seen without their masks on, and to show their face is a sign of great trust. This custom has its origins in the Drathan Union. There, slaves were forced to wear metal masks tightly locked around their heads; a harsh form of deterrence against the organizing of slaves for rebellious purposes. The masks worn in Qarthine today are not so harsh, however. Often, they only cover the eyes, and are made of light materials like ceramic or wood. Wealthy citizens wear more ornate, colorful masks made of more expensive materials like gold. [/hider] Qarthine Steel - [hider=Qarthine Steel] Qarthine Steel is an unusually strong metal characterized by its iridescent, grey-blue appearance that is often shaped into weapons and armor. The metal is made from the same material found in the Sea of Giants, but the secret to reforging it is closely-guarded by the Lorespeakers. The methods used are unknown but wildly speculated to involve magic.[/hider] [b]RELIGION, MAGIC and ARCHEO-TECH[/b] [b]-State Religion:[/b] Cult of Amidasura [b]-Religious Information[/b] TBA [b]-Religion Demographics:[/b] TBA [b]-Holy Relics In Possession:[/b] TBA [b]-Holy Sites Under Control:[/b] TBD [b]-Magical Information[/b] TBA [b]-Archeo-Tech:[/b] TBA [b]MILITARY[/b] [b]-Total Military Size [/b] [b]-Military Details[/b]