Nai seemed a little absent, sitting in his chair with his cocktail, just staring at it and running his paw along the rim. He hadn't touched it or taken a sip, just just looked down at the clear liquid that sat in front of him. He hadn't really noticed what was going on around him, nor had he really cared. It wasn't until the Stallion of a Caption left that he had snapped out of his little trance. He looked over at his friends and noticed the small piece of paper that the Captain had given them and tilted his head, maybe the one he got from the Captain wasn't all that special after all. "I'll take those!" Nai said. He reached over and took the pieces of paper the Captain had given the other two boys. He hopped off of the bar stool and stuffed them down his pants, knowing that neither one of them would go for them in there. He slowly made his way around the pool and into one of the private huts, leaving his untouched cocktail at the bar. Nai hopped onto one of the beds and closed his eyes, placing a pillow over his face to block out the brightness of the outside world.