How liberal can we be with the sheet? I am not a fan of plain lists if I'm to be honest. Would something like this work for you? I'm reasonably certain most of what you require is there, I just think it's nicer this way =P [url=]Here[/url] is a blank if anyone wants it. Also doing a different 'class' different because hunters are too mainstream. [hider=Mikoto Kage] [center][h3][color=#b22222]Mikoto Kage[/color][/h3] [i]“Who am I? Let’s see. If you’re a hunter, I guess that makes me... a Hunterkiller?”[/i] -Mikoto [/center] [color=#b22222][b]Race:[/b][/color] Faunus (Mute Swan) [color=#b22222][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=#b22222][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=#b22222][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Vale [color=#b22222][b]Designation:[/b][/color] Police academy cadet Mikoto is part of a forming special unit. The hunterkillers are, as the name suggests, specially trained to take on hunters, who are the most respected fighters. Every time a hunter went rogue in the past has been a big problem, and unit like this is meant to contain the problem quickly. [color=#b22222][b]Team:[/b][/color] N/A [b][url=]Appearance:[/url][/b] Mikoto stands circa 178 centimeters tall, with her platform boots giving her what she needs to 180. She is quite strong for her age, being successful in several combat competitions. She weighs about 63 kilos. Her most prominent faunus feature are the two swan wings on her back that have the span of about 200 cm (Full growth: 350cm). Mikoto’s face is dominated by her piercing, bright red eyes. She has an eastern complexion, the slightly yellow skin tone contrasting with her anthracite hair that she usually keeps at shoulder length and well kempt. Her body build is focused more on strength rather than stamina, packing up quite some muscle mass and low fat percentage. Her battledress consists of a pair of knee high, gray platform boots, black pants and blouse and a gray armored jacket. Coming from rich background, her battledress is trimmed in dark red and gold. She wears red padded gloves to battle. The jacket is modified to allow her wings to unfold and they can be held concealed by a special harness. The jacket comes equipped with magnetic holsters on the lower back for her weapons and several pockets. When in need of more formal wear, she likes a [url=]red trench coat[/url] with matching high heels. She modified it to be able to conceal her wings and weapons underneath without looking out of place. [color=#b22222][b]History:[/b][/color] Mikoto was born into the relatively average Kage family living in Mountain Glenn. A mixed family of Vacuo immigrants, her faunus side wasn’t obvious to anyone else in the first two years of her age, before her wings hit a growth spurt. Still, it was another year before she came to the usual faunus problems, having to attend mixed kindergarten. She managed to bear with it for a year, but when she was four, she finally snapped and beat up one boy that made a comment, sending him to a doctor with a broken nose. She spent her days mostly alone since then as many of the children were afraid of her. Just as she was about to go to the school for the first time, the first of the more fierce Grimm attacks struck their home town. Mikoto’s family perished in the attack. The girl’s semblance awoke with the intense emotions and she killed several smaller Grimm in a wild rage. She was sent to an orphanage in the main city of Vale, but spent her days mostly alone. When she reached the age of ten, she was adopted by a wealthy family. While initially believing herself to be lucky, she quickly found out her adoptive ‘father’ only wanted her as a Faunus poster child to improve PR, having to adopt a new name against her wishes. While she was given anything money could buy, they didn’t give her the loving family she wanted the most. Her two stepsisters ignored and hated her respectively, but later she formed a love-hate relationship with the younger sister, sharing an interest in fighting and being grateful for the sister at least being honest about hating what she is. At the age of twelve, Mikoto started attending one of the local combat schools, flat out rejecting being home schooled despite her stepfather’s insistence. A few years later, her skill grown very good, and she started placing high in competitions. That lead to some media attention to the happiness of her stepfather. However, her story was soon brought to light, making her start withdrawing from people again. She turned to homeschooling and made an uneasy alliance with her younger step sister who was growing tired of her family as well. After two years of working for the company to fund her plan, she set off to attend Beacon, severing all ties with her adoptive ‘family’ and intending to start again, on her own. Unfortunately, the Initiation proven once and for all that her combat skills were much more suited to fighting a human opponent rather than the Grimm. It had an unforeseen consequence for her though - the police department contacted her with an offer to join a newly formed unit where her skills would be of great use once she graduated from the police academy. [color=#b22222][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Mikoto doesn't actively seek out conversation but she will not shy away from one. The girl is patient and overlooking many things addressed to her faunus side, but she has her limits. Whereas normally she is well mannered and will go out of her way not to offend people no matter what she may think of them, in a fight or when angered, she is dominated by her emotions, not her reason. While her anger is cold and calculated, you do not wish to enrage her, as if you push her that far, she will lose all sense and just go berserk on you. She hates the monsters of Grimm with a fiery passion, although rich people and racists are pretty high on the list as well. Despite how she was treated, she is trying to be forgiving, believing it's the only way to achieve some degree of peace in the world. The girl battles many internal demons and even though she portrays herself as a strong person with a healthy dose of disdain, she’s rather fragile on the inside. What disturbs her more than most is the thought of losing someone close to her again. She also isn’t too fond of spiders and tight spaces. Her main motivation to keep on living is getting others to accept her because of who she is, not what she is. In her downtime, she likes to power down and relax, whether that means sleeping all day, stuffing herself with bacon and coffee or reading tales of ancient mythologies with a glass (or a bottle) of rum on hand. If others have to be involved, she wouldn’t say no to a fantasy movie or (window) shopping. Mikoto has a weakness for sporty personal shuttles. Being a choleric faunus comes with it’s own list of hatreds, like water (which make her wings heavy and useless) or cold (which she feels more due to her higher body temperature). For some reason, the taste of potatoes makes her want to hurl, much like the cheesy romance movies or the boring historical novels. She gets violent on trolls and hates Grimm above all else for taking her family and normal life from her. [color=#b22222][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Being adopted by a wealthy family, she was taught self defense and took liking to combat. Trained in a universal style, she can make use of nearly every weapon, although she prefers light, more nimble instruments like her swordwand or a dagger. Her technique focuses on precise, quick and powerful attacks while conserving energy between them. As she knew she had a semblance from long before, she pushed to get herself a full combat education to perfect her aura mastery. Later in her years her fighting style developed into something brutal, intending to not only just destroy the enemy, but make them suffer. It is even reflected in the modifications she made to her weapons, like using serrated blades, or ditching a shield for a secondary dagger. Life in the high class however also lead to some duties. As an adoptive member of a family owning the Remnant’s leading company producing musical instruments, she can play nearly anything. Being cast as a PR figure, she is used to appearing in front of masses and can be politically correct in most situations. From her life in the orphanage, she picked up some minor survival skills, although she lived in luxury for so long it would take her time to adjust back to it. While her weapons might give the impression that Mikoto is a swordswoman, she is in fact a dust caster, capable of weaving the Nature’s Wrath into nearly anything she needs given enough time. She uses three categories of moves - First are those she practices often enough to be able to perform them with thought alone. The second less frequent she needs a focusing agent, such as a phrase or a sequence of tones to help her summon the attack. Last but not least, Mikoto can achieve anything she has enough aura, dust and time for through drawing magic circles. [color=#b22222][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Her faunus heritage gives Mikoto several capabilities she can use for great effect. First and foremost, she can use her wings to heighten and extend her jumps to about twice that of a human, or to glide and soften her fall. They are, however, too small for her to fly. The lack of tail used to be a problem, but she smartly modified her battledress with a half-cape that is attachable to her boots that can substitute well enough. Her bones are less dense than that of a usual human, contributing to her overall low weight, which unfortunately break more easily if her aura is brought down. Her metabolism is faster, making the girl quite a glutton and yet unable to gain any weight and moving her average body temperature to about 40°C. Having both large reserve and skill to wield it efficiently, Mikoto’s aura is on the more impressive side of the scale. Its color is pure white, and it manifests as quills falling around her. [i]Semblance[/i] - [url=]Arcane destroyer[/url]: Mikoto's body becomes an intangible spectre and her voice gains a creepy reverb to it. Her weapon is also surrounded in the same substance of white color. In this state, Mikoto can not be physically harmed, however she still hurts the same if her aura fails to block an attack, and she loses the ability to parry with her weapons. If the 'damage' is sufficient, she will forcibly revert back to normal, more often than not incapacitated by hurting as much as if she was actually dealt the blows. In this state, dust based spells tend to break up on contact with her, hence the name. [color=#b22222][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [i]Collapsible Swordwand Dust Carrier[/i] - [url=]Swan Song[/url]: A swordwand that can be converted from one to the other simply by sliding the guard down the grip. This action retracts or extends the blade into the blunt part of the weapon. As such, the weapon is primarily designed for stabbing attacks rather than slashing, although it is capable of both. The counterweight can hold dust crystals, and Mikoto is particularly fond of the fire ones. The blade is made from dust-enhanced black metal that seems to be reflecting shadows rather than light. [i]Tactical Dust Carrier[/i] - [url=]Quilltact[/url]: A dagger with perforated blade holding three dust capsules, usually the remaining types to complement the Swansong’s fire crystals. Mikoto built a flute into the hilt which she uses as a focus help to cast some of her more demanding spells. [color=#b22222][b]Extra:[/b][/color][list] [*]Voice: Anna Hutchison [*]Theme: [url=]Gåte - Sjå Attende[/url] [*]Mikoto is ambidextrous. [*]She is bi, leaning towards girls.[/list] [/hider]