[i]Oh no... the fairy noticed me...[/i] I thought as the fairy-type of the group decided to point his cane at me. I tried to hide as best as I could, but the roof didn't really have anywhere that I could hide on it, not even so much as a chimney I could hide behind. I shuddered, and decided to finally shut up thanks to a fear of my life. The togepi seemed to also follow, and, once I was absolutely sure that the fairy was gone, which left the axew, and the togepi, I flew down, looked around, and said "Uh... m-my name's Trevor... I kinda... don't come from here. Yeah let's leave it at that..." I then added [color=purple]"It's... kinda funny... I was originally going to try to fly you out of danger, b-but... well... HE came, and, um... also, the horse pokemon kinda broke everything up,"[/color] I specifically said this to the axew, and, after finally landing on the cold stones that constituted a street in this strange land, I turned to the togepi, and said [color=purple]"Sorry I kinda left, back there... I... I was trying to help a fellow dragon type out of a dangerous situation... those fairies... w-we dragons have to be careful around them,"[/color] obviously, I was referring to myself and the axew in the 'we' in that scenario. I then realized that I never got either of these two's names. [color=purple]"So... what are your names? I kinda introduced myself, but... well... I don't think I ever caught your names... heh,"[/color] I was obviously still nervous, as that fairy could still come back at any time, and he could still attack... and maybe even hit all of us at once if he needed to. That might even spell disaster for the normal-type togepi on our team, as, even if it's not super-effective, that fairy seemed... strong, or at least old. Well, older than us.