Alice felt awful for ignoring that one guy who tried to strike a friendly conversation with her. "I'll apologize later, but now I need to calm myself a little." she said quietly when she heard the intercom say "Greetings new students of Beacon Academy! Would you all please meet me at the auditorium for orientation! There should be one of the teachers near the front to guide you to the field! Thank you!" Alice hoped she could lower her anxiety a little more with a teacher. With a quick look around she found the teacher holding a sign with students surrounding. "Or maybe I won't" she said to herself making her way over. She arrived at the teacher and said "I... I um... I-I'm A-Alice... N-Naomi..." quietly but just enough so the teacher could hear. She then kinda backed away then and went to the back of the group. Hopefully she hasn't already embarrassed herself to much as a first impression. "Definitely rough year..." she thought once again.