[@Write] [b]Outside Room 9[/b] As you looked closely at the corpse, you noticed something completely unnerving. The body showed very little signs of external decay. The organs were the ones rotting the most, but those were still intact. It was as if the person was still alive, but, the entire intestines-bursting-out-of-the-stomach defeated that. As you checked the pockets, you felt nothing but the gross and cool crustiness of blood. Luckily, it was dry enough so that most of the blood stayed inside of the pockets instead of sticking to your hands. As you checked the bloody black t-shirt, it revealed nothing but the sick intestines that tore out of the bottom of the shirt. Though, it did have a Pearl Jam logo on it. Well, what was left of the shirt had a Pearl Jam logo on it. It was a total mess. You couldn't find anything. But, out of the corner of your eye, you saw the hand of the dead woman. A piece of paper, held on by a literal death grip. Protected from the blood. It seemed like it was important enough to give a life to protect. Or, it might have just been something that they happened to be holding. Either way, it seemed important.