[@Delta44] [b]"Yeah, I'm a first year too. And my name is Weston Kaiser. Most people call me West though."[/b] West noticed that she was very proper, but he was happy that she wasn't pretentious. He was normally shy, but trained himself to keep eye contact with others. It would seem awkward to him for a moment, but as soon as he started talking as well, he forgot about eye contact and it just locked. [b]"Gaia is a pretty name. Like the goddess of the earth."[/b] The school PA system went off as he finished this last complement. He glanced away lookng for the source of noise. He found the speakers in the corner and stared at them like it would help him hear the announcement better. [b]"Well it looks like we're going to have more company soon."[/b] As West looked back at her he really noticed her features and the way she spoke. Even her aura seemed a step above his. [b]"You said you were a first year right? You just seem...older. In a good way. I've been told I look old for my age, but I've never had that compliment about my maturity. I'm not immature, just not overly mature. Anyways, I'm done talking. Could you start please?"[/b] West was slightly embarrassed and hoping Vivianne would help fix that.