After being phased through by Chara, Aryla woke up, with a strange goo on her hand. She wiped it off dismissively and continued on her way. [i]Weird... It couldn't have been water because it hasn't even been raining... I wonder...[/i] She spent quite a while wondering about this before she decided that, much to her disliking, she should probably get acquainted with some of her new neighbours. She approached the female goat-person, and her child?... [color=aquamarine]"Uhhh... Hello! Goat... Lady.... Uh.. I just wanted to say that... I've recently moved into the house down the road.... So if you need me for anything... That's probably where I'll be.... *cough*... Well... Just thought I should introduce myself.... Uuhhh, my name's Aryla, by the way! Aryla Foxx. Uhhhh.... What's yours?"[/color] [@Spooky Tanuki]