[centre][img]https://i.gyazo.com/6e676cf8f6fd2903b8b071d071b81820.png[/img] [hr] [color=00aeef]T H E B A S I C S[/color] [color=00aeef][b]|Name|[/b][/color] Victoria Lazuli [color=00aeef][b]|Team|[/b][/color] TBA [color=00aeef][b]|Age|[/b][/color] 17 [color=00aeef][b]|Race|[/b][/color] Human [color=00aeef][b]|Gender|[/b][/color] Female [color=00aeef][b]|Designation|[/b][/color] Student [hr] [color=00aeef]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [color=00aeef][b]|In Depth Appearance|[/b][/color] Victoria is a dark-skinned short girl of average build. Her wavy hair is a dark brown which is often worn down, with the very end of her hair at the back being dip dyed a vibrant blue. Victoria typically wears a blue hooded jacket, in which is tucked a light blue scarf, over a long grey shirt that tends to poke out from under her jacket, along with a pair of black jeans. She also wears a pair of white and light blue sneakers as well as leather blue fingerless gloves. [color=00aeef][b]|Scars, Tattoos, Other Markings|[/b][/color] Victoria has a trail of various scars, scratches and bruises along her arms and knuckles, which she keeps hidden with her jacket and gloves. [hr] [color=00aeef]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/color] [color=00aeef][b]|Likes & Dislikes|[/b][/color] ✔ Mango, her pet parakeet ✔ Puns ✔ Scarves ✔ Reading ✔ Punching ✔ Family ✔ Azured Victory ✘ The Ocean ✘ Traitors ✘ Competition ✘ Criminals ✘ Cold weather ✘ Grimm ✘ Drama [hr] [color=00aeef]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=00aeef][b]|Personality|[/b][/color] Victoria isn't exactly a nice person; this much, you may or may not see from the get-go. Victoria often views being in her Team as an honour, and naturally, any other team is automatically inferior, the girl has absolutely no problem cutting anyone down with words as sharp as her weapon. Ruthless, is a way to describe her. Despite all of this, however, she reserves a hidden kindness within her venom-laced heart. For those that she brings herself to trust, she trusts them almost without hesitation, with almost a desperate sense of comradeship. As trusting relations and true friendship wasn't something she experienced much of in her rich lifestyle, true friends are hard to come by, and thus, secretly cherished. With all of her flaws and strengths, do not think that Victoria would leave a comrade to die. She would fight through thick and thin to help, even if she stops occasionally to fix her hair. Surprisingly, she enjoys clever puns. This is part of the reason why she named her weapon 'Azured Victory', though if you ask her the reason she named it that, she will desperately deny it and make up a random reason. [color=00aeef][b]|Weapon Name|[/b][/color] Azured Victory [color=00aeef][b]|Weapon Appearance/Function|[/b][/color] [url=https://36.media.tumblr.com/ec9fc622164334525ab014119553c703/tumblr_nugo1qEBKy1t3230oo2_1280.png]Azured Victory[/url] appears to be a regular blue and grey rapier sword fit for Victoria's traditional fencing fighting style, but Azured Victory is anything but traditional when Victoria activates the engine within the pommel of the sword. The engine is activated by the trigger hidden underneath the removable guard. Upon activation, the blade of the rapier expands and becomes a high powered drill capable of boring through thick metal. Azured Victory has one final form in which the drill bit expands exponentially to an incredible length and width, increasing Azured Victory's power to unimaginable levels. Though the form has one potentially fatal drawback; Victoria's beloved weapon has a very high chance of breaking completely, possibly leaving her defenceless. Due to this, Victoria hardly ever uses it. [color=00aeef][b]|Semblance|[/b][/color] By channelling her Aura into either of both of her arms, Victoria can make her fists inhumanly powerful, causing her punches to be like sledgehammers. This ability manifests in the form of blue flame-like energy that constantly travel up and down her arms. Although her semblance allows some degree of enhanced durability, punching something dense while it is active would still damage her, albeit with bruises and scars, rather than completely shattered bones. Her semblance also emits light and heat. [color=00aeef][b]|Place of Origin|[/b][/color] Mistral [color=00aeef][b]|History|[/b][/color] Victoria was born into a somewhat well-off family in Mistral. Though she grew up without any relative difficulties, she never had many friends during her childhood due to the sumptuousness and solitude of her family's manor. She attended private lessons, orchestrated by her father's extensive bank account. The private lessons were, surprise surprise, taught to her within her own home, and thusly, Victoria never really got to see much of the outside world. Sure, she went out occasionally for celebratory dinners and to 'shop until she dropped' with some of the more empty-brained of the maids and workers that her father hired, but over-all, she had a surprisingly lonely childhood. Her father was an Executive Administrator for the Mistral Trade Route, and spent most of his time bossing people around on boats and ships along the coast. However, Victoria's father was a warm and incredibly kind man, and despite him not being there all the time, he was there for her, regardless, and she loved him dearly for that. It was a running joke between the two, for him to always bring home a terribly clever, and cheesy pun whenever he managed to get home from his job, which is where Victoria's love for puns originated from. As far as her education went, Victoria was a fighter, moreso than she was a scholar. Due to recommendations, she could have went to Atlas, the militaristic Huntsmen Academy in the kingdom of the same name, but she declined it in favour of the Signal Combat Academy closer by - she was definitely not interested in some sweaty, military dump. Within the Academy, Victoria established herself, easily, as the top popular girl within the school, who had brains behind her beauty, though, despite all this, she struggled to come up with an adequate name for her own weapon. The name was actually given to her by her father, who came up with the pun based on Victoria's name, and the fact that Azured was the only thing he could come up with at the time - hence Azured Victory, her custom-made rapier drill. She loved it, and it became her favourite, and signature, weapon. However, all good things came come to an end eventually. Whilst loading supplies off the coast of Vale, her father's ship was sunk by aquatic Grimm - a surprise attack that no one expected to happen. He perished, along with his crew. Victoria was forever shattered, though this only strengthened her resolve to become a Huntress, with an unfortunate side effect of a more hostile, personality change. Three years have passed since then, and Victoria was invited to Beacon Academy, to destroy the plagues on humanity, the Grimm. [color=00aeef][b]|Extra|[/b][/color] Victoria owns a pet Sun Parakeet named Mango at home. If I had a semblance, it'd probably be some sort of Guardian Manifestation or general Cryokinesis.[/centre]