With Erien's answer the guard nodded and let go of Elik's arm allowing him to follow the groups of pilots as the Colonel led them to their quarters. Elik had noticed the slight bit of irritation on Erien's face as she returned a salute and silently hoped he hadn't caused her to much trouble already and tried to stay quiet for the walk down to the suite they would be housed in, though along the way his eyes occasionally followed the tip of her tail almost hypnotically as it swayed. Elik had been distracted by the Isorlai's tail and hadn't immediately realized they were at the suite until Erien turned around and told them. He set about peeking his head in each of the rooms, they were all the same really but he looked through them regardless, more to see what the other were choosing really. He briefly poked his head into the room Nyx and Kilian were in but seeing it full he quickly moved along, coming to a room holding a single Isorlai who's name either escapes him or he never got in the first place. "uh, Hello" he pointed inside the room and the other bunk "that taken?" [@Natsucooldude]