[@Aisling][hider=Smell]The awful taste of ash finally vanished but what came next wasn't much better. It was a smell that wasn't hard to place. The smell of burning. Burning hair and flesh to be specific. Perhaps one she was familiar with, but either way the whelming stench seemed to cover every inch of the cave.[/hider] [@IronWill][hider=Taste]The ugly screeching died away and she was left in what could've been a blissful silence. If not for the most peculiar thing she was experiencing. Her mouth tasted like wood chips. Every inch of it. It wasn't very pleasant and would quickly grow to be incredibly annoying. It seemed the cave didn't like her very much[/hider] [@Whitewind][hider=Smell]Finally her sense of taste returned and she regained a feeling of what her mouth was again. Which would have distracted her from noticing what happened next. All trace of smells vanished. No longer could she smell the cold air blowing through the cave, the smell of lichen and small plants, the earthy smell of the cave itself. All utterly vanished. Perhaps her guess as to the inhabitants of the cave was right.[/hider]