[h2][center]Mari Kougami[/center][/h2] Kagura's immediate... Well, groveling... Was... Quite... Sudden, if anything. Certainly not the reaction Mari had expected. No, certainly not. Of all the ways to react, freaking out and bending her back to her own will...? Was there something that happened in this girl's childhood that could've messed with her [i]that[/i] badly to cause this? A byproduct of her personality? Something entirely different? Well, either way, she had to diffuse the situation fast, before her partner had a complete nervous breakdown. "N-nonono. it's fine, it's fine. You don't have to go out of your way to accommodate me, after all. It wouldn't sit well with me." Mari said quickly shaking her head in disapproval. "But, honestly, there's no need to act the way you are right now. I just suggested that we let the relationship develop naturally than force i-" ... Oh. Well. That statement might have been a mistake.