I don't know if I did this right! [hider=Jimmy Ender] [b]Name:[/b] Jimmy Ender(not his real last name) [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Designation:[/b] Student at Beacon [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/3bbc/f/2016/008/4/0/jimmy_almost_by_simsterd-d9n9p2k.png[/img] [b]History:[/b] Jimmy can't remember his past or his family, he was always on the streets, wandering around without any knowledge of where he would sleep. He didn't know how he ended up homeless or how the hell he lost part of an arm, he was just like that from childhood. As time went by, he gradually learned how to steal and find a place to sleep, never being in one place for very long.  There was one place though that he would always go back to. The public Library was a great place to sit until it closed and he always had plenty of entertainment in all the books. He spent a lot of his life in that place between scavenger hunts for food, just reading on everything he could to distract himself. The books he loved the most were the humor section which was the source of his bad jokes. Despite everything, he kept his humor intact and always had a smile. On one of his outings, he came across a man who was in a similar situation to himself, except this old guy wasn't quite small enough to garner attention for the pick pocket trap. Jimmy helped him out, grabbing an apple without anyone seeing and slipping him the food as he passed by. When the man thanked him, Jimmy noticed him as a Way older version of the author on the back of one of the books he had been reading. The book was on dust usage and the old man was some kind of professor. He had been kind of disgraced because of a bunch of crack pot theories on dust but Jimmy believed every word of it and wanted to learn more. The man agreed that as long as Jimmy helped with a project he was working on, he would give the teachings and so a symbiotic relationship was formed. Suddenly, all of Jimmy's time was on studying the mechanics of dust, on the world it could create and how to harness its power. Day after day, year after year, he worked and listened. They had to steal a few things, lie to a few good people, but in the end, after 8 years of training and dedication, the fruits of their labor came forth. Broken Distortion, the prototype for Jimmy's future weapon. It couldn't hold much dust (not that they had a lot to work with) and it wasn't very efficient but, with a mix of his knowledge and skill with his staff, it was enough to get him into Beacon. From there, he was able to use the resources there to create his current weapon choice, Silver Distortion and even got new clothes....though he rarely wears them. [b]Personality:[/b] A total goof, that's how you would describe Jimmy Ender. Without fail, he's up for any game even when he doesn't know how to play it and despite his ability to formulate strategies and his love of books, he'll constantly try to follow his gut even after creating a well balanced maneuver. When asked about his [b]Skills:[/b] Combat Jimmy's combat skills are pretty high, but only in dust usage. Using his semblance and his weapon, Silver Distortion, Jimmy can create dust based “spells” and attacks meaning that his strength lies in being able to attack with variety which is a perfect compliment to his wacky mindset. He has worked very hard to learn everything he can about dust so utilizing it in combat is quite easy for him, in this, he shows how much discipline he truly has for thing he lives for. The main flaw with this is that his dust techniques aren't always suited for one on one combat, his spells effect a large field but the bigger ones can take time to accumulate the right amount of dust. A fast opponent can close the distance and put him at a disadvantage As for close quarters, his fighting style is reminiscent of Kenpo, he uses sharp palm strikes and kicks to garner distance so he can unleash his other magic. This style is one he invented through studying and experimenting, adding in his days as a thief create a fighting style that uses carefree movement and slight of hand to confuse the enemy. Common He's very smart for his age, dispite being the most clueless person you'd ever meet. He never really grew out of using books as a distraction so he can be seen often reading or quoting literature. This means he's pretty knowledgeable on most common subjects and histories especially if it pertains to things like science [b]Powers:[/b] Jimmy's semblance is Alchemy, the ability to freely manipulate and transform any form of non-organic matter by having an in depth knowledge of its composition. When combined with his Silver Distortion, Jimmy's semblance can create and manipulate destructive forces for an astonishing effect. It should be noted that while he does know the composition of air, his semblance won't work on it. The obvious flaw with this ability is that he can't transmute any substance he's never heard of. Another flaw is that it doesn't work on anything that's living; people, plants, even common wood is totally immune to him, even Grimm can't be harmed by his semblance alone. [b]Equipment:[/b] Primary weapon Silver Distortion: His mechanical right arm holds a series of different kinds of dust, he uses this much in the same way as a magician to cast spells from creating barriers to throwing explosives. He's studied hard despite his goofiness to learn how to perform dust techniques with accuracy. Secondary weapon [b]Relationships:[/b] He only has one friend, the man who raised him and he never even learned anything more than his last name. He still goes out to talk to him on the streets of Vale (he owns a shop now) and tells him everything about his life. [b]Trivia:[/b] Voice: [/hider] If I had a semblance, it would be Creation: the ability to physically manifest my aura as a solid construct. If I had dust, I could combine it with my semblance to form crazy things like fire lions!! FIRE LIONS EVERY WHERE!!!