[@rechonq] "Gladly." Replies Vivianne, a kind-hearted smile forming on her lips. "Firstly, I'd like to thank you for the compliment regarding my name, however you weren't far from the truth in speaking of its relationship to a goddess. My family tends to the Light Gaia shrine; I'm a Shrine Maiden, you see." She pauses before adding: "In case you don't know of the Light and Dark Gaia's, I'm more than willing to tell the tale. It's depicted in many storybooks, but those who tend to the shrines know the truth." Even as she spoke now, she was perfectly engaged in the conversation. She wasn't even fazed by the announcement, instead channeling it out - disregarding it, even. Perhaps because she knew what it was likely for, and since she was already in the auditorium, well... it wouldn't do her much good to go back outside, would it? She leans forwards slightly, the hilt of her great sword making its presence more known. The blade looked extremely simple for a huntress weapon... Though, that may just be because it wasn't in action, yet. She closes her eyes, giving a strange look of satisfaction. "I've been told by many that I'm rather mature for my age, but personally, I don't think that's true. Maturity and immaturity are very bland terms, in my opinion, holding as little differential value as the words 'good' and 'evil.' They're too simple words to best describe someone, and instead are used to generalise others toward a specific title - a brand." She reopens her eyes and smiles. "I don't believe I'm mature, for maturity comes when there's no need for immaturity. I just like to use rational thought to dictate my actions and words rather than letting my emotions get the best of me." [i]'After all... The last time I let that happen... people died...'[/i] Vivianne thought to herself, her expression briefly changing as she did so to one of grim, before returning her full attention back to West with another kind smile. "I suppose it's your turn now...?"