[b]May 11 - The Strange Request From Two Days Ago[/b] It was the end of the schoolday. Clubs were being let out, the week was dying down with the approaching weekend, and from the window of an empty classroom on the third floor, Ayumu Tomoe watched his peers and underclassman file out of the Namimori Highschool courtyard. Drawing his gaze back down towards the broom, he continued quietly humming to himself and sweeping up the detritus left by the hustle and bustle of students over the day. Not long after the third verse of his work song, he heard the door knob turn and stopped, resting his hands atop the end of the broom's handle like it were the pommel of a sword as the door swung open. [color=F19CBB]"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up,"[/color] the youth with the long, dark-hair and the relaxed expresison remarked, casting a sidelong glance to the two figures - a kitsune cosplayer along with someone who was either a midget or a baby. No, definitely a baby; he had a red pacifier - at the doorway of the empty classroom. [color=F19CBB]"Sorry I was so hard to find, after all I do get around a lot, ha,"[/color] an amused smile played at the edges of his lips, more properly seen now that he'd turned to properly address the odd duo in the doorway. [color=F19CBB]"So joking aside,"[/color] Ayumu began, leaning forward and resting his chin on his knuckles. [color=F19CBB]"I take it you two aren't [i]actually[/i] from the university drama department?"[/color] he asked rhetoricallyhis expression turning from amused to bemused. [color=F19CBB]"Can't say I'm too surprised; have you [i]seen[/i] their production values?"[/color] he laughed, quieting himself after a moment or two. [color=F19CBB]"But, ah, what's with the whole, uh..."[/color] his expression turned from amused to bemused as he tilted his head to the side, and made circles with his hand, [color=F19CBB]"...kitsune-shota combo thing you have going on?"[/color] His eyes then narrowed, focusing intently on the fox-tailed woman. [color=F19CBB]"...Wait... I swear, you look like someone I know,"[/color] he commented, the image of a certain white-haired disciplinary committee usurper immediately coming to mind, [color=F19CBB]"Just can't put my tongue on it..."[/color] [color=F19CBB]"Gah, forget about it,"[/color] Ayumu handwaved, standing up straight and resting his broom against a desk, [color=F19CBB]"Who are you two, and what do you guys need me for anyway?"[/color] Peculiarly, the two companions shared a look and the baby of all people was the one who stepped forward to speak.[color=red] "My name is Fon, and this is Shiso,"[/color] he began elegantly and eloquently like a wiseman rather than a baby, [color=red]"And we are here because you, Ayumu Tomoe, have been chosen as a candidate for the role of Guardian to the 13th Boss of a powerful mafia family, the Vongola. Of course, you do have the option to decline if you so choose, but I urge you to take the next 48 hours to consider the offer. However, you may not tell anyone, not even your friends or family, of what we have asked you."[/color] With that said, the room entered a pensive silence, broken only by Ayumu's comment many long moments later. [color=F19CBB]"Y'know, if it was just a question, couldn't you just, like, text me or send me and email or something?"[/color] he pointed out. [color=F19CBB]"Not that this set-up you have here is bad or anything; it's very dramatically appropriate,"[/color] Ayumu quickly added, turning away from the two to look out the window. [color=F19CBB]"I mean look! You've got nice lighting, a sunset background with a nice view, good acoustics..."[/color] he began to turn back to the two, [color=F19CBB]"Plus, you caught me at a really good time. Actually-"[/color] They were gone. [color=F19CBB]"...Sure, I guess I'll think about it..."[/color] he mumbled, grabbing hold of the broom and continuing to sweep up what was left of this classroom's mess. [hr] [b]May 13 - Gathering of the Guardians[/b] Two days later, and Ayumu was still thinking about it. He couldn't wrap his head around the idea that someone had selected him to join a mafia family. A mafia family that, he noted, sounded nothing like any of the mafia movies or plays he had watched or participated in, respectively. At any rate, Shiso and Fon had definitely kickstarted his growing interest and curiosity in the concept. His research didn't come up with many good leads other than some old news articles in a language he couldn't read, and pictures of clams. Perhaps it was prank. That's what he thought before heading up the steps to the school roof, but when an increasing number of people - many of which he knew - started showing up, he began to doubt that idea. Especially considering the physical aptitude of the people he did know who had gathered. Still, he hadn't much idea what he was doing here; he was neither athletic nor particularly violent or rugged looking. It was too late for regrets though; he was here already. Besides, he could always just consider it as an expansion to his pool of potential occupations. He did, after all, look very good in a suit if he did say so himself. It was only a while after everyone arrived that the door to the roof finally began to open once more. While the wait for the Boss was rather long considering he [i]should[/i] have gotten the same time as everyone else, it wasn't necessarily inconveniently so. Ayumu had a few theories as to why. Maybe he was being fashionably late, or had been watching and planned to show up last; Ayumu could respect a guy who thought like that. Naturally, he was very surprised to learn who the Boss behind that turning knob actually [i]was[/i]: Yoshiaki Sugihara, resident delinquent gamer and occasional community service conscript. [color=F19CBB][i]'Hmm, perhaps I've just been revenge conscripted,'[/i][/color] Ayumu thought before the baby mentioned that Yoshiaki had a decision of his own to make, which was apparently not the decision to kick any of them out on principle if Yoshiaki's answer was anything to go by. [color=F19CBB][i]'Interesting. So the Boss didn't even know he was the Boss. How very monomyth of them.'[/i][/color] After Yoshiaki gave his answer, the two recruiters began to explain what was going to happen. Namely, camping. Ayumu was never really a fan of camping; he'd never even camped out once in his life, so this was going to be a new experience in at least two ways. Honestly, he'd been expecting something more like racketeering or some kind of other shady, backalley behaviors, so he was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. At any rate, there was one glaring detail that stood out after that explanation had been given: The silence. [color=F19CBB][i]'Now we can't have that, can we?'[/i][/color] [color=F19CBB]"Well!"[/color] Ayumu clapped his hands together as he began to make his declaration, [color=F19CBB]"That seems to be the end of that. Who wants to hit up the shops and obtain goods through completely legal means?"[/color] He emphasized the last bit, because it was important. Wouldn't want some strange misunderstandings going on, after all. [color=F19CBB]"I'll be heading over to the shopping center to get some stuff. Anyone who wants to join me can head over there."[/color]