[hider=Fortuna]Name:Fortuna Altin Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Symbol: An ornate slice of cake with a bite taken from it, strawberry on top. Occupation: Student Appearance: Height:5'5" Weight:140lbs Eyes:pale pastel yellow Skin color: Light tan Face:Heart shaped, down turned eyes. Hair: Honey Brown hair that foe a to her shoulder blades, pulled into pigtails, the tails in a single spiral curl each reaching to her shoulders. Long bangs frame her face Physique:very little visible muscle, soft curves and a lithe figure. A small chest, barely a B-cup. Makeup: She wears makeup designed to enhance her own natural looks, with pale pink lip gloss, contouring to the cheekbones and jaw bones. Light Brown eyeshadow and thin eyeliner to just the top eyelid. Her eyelashes are the only thing out of the ordinary natural makeup look. She makes her lashes as long as possible to help make her small eyes seem bigger Combat Outfit: An amethyst combat dress with three quarter sleeves, fitted in the bodice to give the illusion of a larger chest with a skirt that flares form the hips and falls to her knees. Delicate detailing around the base of the skirt and cuffs of her sleeves in the shape of animals frolicking picked out with golden thread. Soft, loose doe-skin ankle boots. A sapphire blue sash tied in an intricate bow at the back, with attachments for holding all her stuff. A sapphire headband with a tiny little gold top hat attached to one side, with a purple band and a tiny little emerald feather sticking out of it. Casual Outfit: A different colored headband for each day of the week, always in jewel colors. A wide array of dresses and blouses and skirts, she usually goes through about three outfits a day if possible. She also has innumerous shoes to chose from. Getting dressed in the morning takes hours because she has to pick the perfect outfit every time. Aura/Effects:Bright Gold aura with small golden sparks trailing from her hands. History: Fortuna was born to a large farming family, father and older brothers working on the estate of a wealthy farm owner. She'd grown up watching them work their fingers to the bone, coming home each day sore, sometimes obviously injured but denying any treatment, there family needing the money. This was not the life she'd wanted, and knew there was another choice. She also grew watching the daughters of their boss and owner of the land they worked, such fair and elegant creatures, always wearing such vibrant colors and they spoke just as elegantly as they looked, there voices always seeming to be on the verge of laughter. The few times she'd met the older girls, they'd treated her as some type of doll, they'd dress her in their old clothes, primp and decorate her in extravagant, if somewhat amateurishly applied makeup. She had quickly decided that she'd pull herself from the dirt her family had born her into. In order to realize her aspirations, Fortuna showed a surprising tenacity in school, her grades gradually improving as she devoted herself to applying for the programs that would lead to the standard of living she wished for, imitating the posh mannerisms and speech of the girls from the farm, and soon landed a scholarship to Signal Academy. Her family proudly presented her that night with what would soon come to be Gilded Fantasy, at that point little more than a wooden club. Despite being a "Crude weapon, unbecoming of a lady," she's stubbornly kept the weapon ever since, gradually upgrading it as she went through training. Signal provided Fortuna with a chance at a fresh start where no one knew her or her family. While she still loved her family, she'd grown to see them and their "quaint" country ways as a bit of an embarrassment, and without that stigma, Fortuna had found it rather easy to work her way into the elite groups, although they'd always found it odd that she'd never joined them after school or in extracurricular school activities. This had been due to her finding odd jobs after school to support her high end lifestyle. She'd had a few jobs early on for stores and stands, but as she went through school and training, found she'd been able to make better money taking on bounties for crime in Vale. Fortuna never took anything very dangerous, simple takedowns on known small time fences and petty thieves. However, despite most people believing her to have little chance of standing out in their school, this constant application of her skills led to a steady increase in practical application of what she learned, landing her in the top ten percent of Signal for her graduating class. Not long after that came her acceptance to Beacon. Personality: Very prim and proper, tends to adhere to the traditional standards of manners. Tends to be a bit of a shopaholic, going through money from mission quickly. Eager to help people better themselves, seeing herself in the same situation. Has a taste for expensive food, often preferring not to eat if it's not to her standards. Has a sweet tooth. Is not above using charm and womanly wiles to get what she wants. Is often on one diet or another. She is often plagued by guilt when eating sweets, making hollow promises to make up for it. Surprisingly enduring around people of low class, knowing that much of their mannerisms come from upbringing and remembering her previous persona. Likes: Cute fashions, fresh starts, has soft spot for people fighting for what they want. Cakes. Cats. Starting diets. Dislikes: People who take the easy path to a goal, people who are unwilling to better their lives. Tattoos and surgery for "physical enhancements". Staying on a diet. Notes: Owns a small cat she's brought to the Academy, Named Duchess. Brown and orange striped cat with white white face fur and underbelly. Wears a large bow as opposed to a collar, changes each day. Strengths: - While capable of handling single opponents, she is better suited for flitting between multiple enemies, distracting and enraging. -Her semblance allows for a momentarily large boost to her combat abilities. -Can surprise most opponents as she seems the least likely to be a combatant, and one capable of wielding such a large weapon so elegantly. -Quite the charmer when she wishes to be, more than willing to use flattery and charm to get her way, although she's found a well timed eye-bat can go a long way. -finds it easy to mingle through all ranges of the social class structure if need be, though only dropping her posh mannerisms if she really needs something from somebody. Weaknesses: -light armoring makes her susceptible to taking fewer hits than most. -Lethargy from over using her semblance can make her more of a liability in a fight than a advantage. -can seem a bit condescending upon first impressions to those of simple upbringing, from the working class heroes as it were. -Is constantly craving sweets. -Is easily embarrassed if she reverts to her mannerisms from her humble origins. Semblance: Name:Rush Type: Physical General description: she burns through the sugars in her body, converting them into pure physical strength and speed. General limitations: The time she can keep it going is proportional to the amount of sugar she's had to eat, and once she runs out of fuel tends to become lethargic and mopey. Can maintain it for 20 minutes, but will be near exhaustion and need to refuel with more sugar Visual effect: Eyes become a much more vibrant shade of yellow, almost the neon of safety vests. Pupils shrink to pinpricks, looking as if they've gone completely from afar. Passive ability(x): Causes her to burn sugars at a high rate, as well have deep craving for sweets WEAPON Name:Gilded Fantasy Type: Revolving Kanabo Pepperbox Rifle (RKPR) Weapon Derivation:Kanabo/Pepperbox rifle Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: Compacts into an ornate hairbrush of mahogany with golden gilded decoration. Form 1:A 3 foot long hexagonal kanabo, thick spikes every few inches up each side. Made of rich mahogany wood, the spikes, edges, top and pommel gilded with gold. Form 2: Wooden sides withdraw to reveal 6 gilded barrels that rotate after each shot. The stock is made of mahogany. The trigger has two catches, the first firing the weapon as normal, while pulling past this point will activate a secondary firing mode. Features/Capabilities: Barrels are normally fired singlely , but when the trigger is pulled past the catch, all 6 will fire at once, barrels rapidly spinning as a single blast erupts from the weapon. Can set the Kanabo spinning quickly by pulling the triggers in melee mode, spikes shredding most things that come in contact with it. Normal rounds can be fired indefinitely, though six dust shots can be loaded into the weapon via speed loaders. History: A simple store brand club originally bought by her family to celebrate her acceptance into Signal, she has since personalized the weapon to "fit a woman of her bearing" as she put it.[/hider] My semblance would be a hard light mirror image.