[b][u]Bergen [/u][/b] “Insert a character quote here.” -Author [hr][hr] T H E B A S I C S [u][b][/b][/u] [b][u]|Bergen Grant|[/u][/b] [u][b]|UNdecided|[/b][/u] [u][b]|4/22|[/b][/u] [b][u]|17|[/u][/b] [b][u]|Human|[/u][/b] [b][u]|Female|[/u][/b] [b][u]|Second Year Student|[/u][/b] [hr][hr] [color=Team Color]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [u][b]|In Depth Appearance|[/b][/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/82/37/ff82379e861f3cf957d3a7d036d684f7.jpg[/img] [u][b]|Scars, Tattoos, Other Markings|[/b][/u] Where are they located? [hr][hr] [b][u]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/u][/b] [/center] [b][u]|Likes & Dislikes|[/u][/b] ✔ ✘ [hr][hr] [b][u]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/u][/b] [b][u]|Personality|[/u][/b] ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ [b][u]|Place of Origin|[/u][/b] [color=???]|History|[/color] At least two paragraphs detailing your character’s past. [b][u] |Relations with other characters|[/u][/b] [u][b]|Extra|[/b][/u] Anything extra we need to know