[@Delta44] West had a big smile on his face now, reaching a nearly goofy look. [b]"I would love to know the truth about the Light Gaia. I've heard some of the stories, but the truth is always the best. Whether people like it or not."[/b] West was lost in this woman's words. None of the other students fazed him as they moved around and filled the auditorium with commotion. He caught a glance of her weapon again as she sat forward, but ignored it as he could get to know this person much better by talking with her directly. He thought of his own for as long as the glance took as well. He wondered what others or even she might think about the drill on his back. If they could tell it was a drill. Most would probably just think it were a lance. Her weapon probably had some interesting secrets of it's own. Looking away like he had just had an epiphany, he responded to her words on maturity. [b]"I have never really liked those titles either, but I've never really had a good reason to dislike them. Your explanation of them is basically perfect.[/b] He looked back to with a sort of excitement. [b]"I hate emotions too. Well at least the ones I've deemed bad. Like sadness or anger. They may be useful, but their times are farther and fewer between than they seem to be used. I guess I like emotion as long as they stay under my control."[/b] West noticed her demeanor changed for a moment after she mentioned letting emotions getting the best of her. It sort of confused him. She was so composed, but maybe something happened that caused this. Emotions can cause a lot of fights, and he thought she might have had a falling out with a family member in the past. He had heard about some shrine massacre in passing, but didn't pay much attention to it. It probably wouldn't change his opinion of her much anyways. He had already formed his opinion of her and trusted her. [b]"I guess something else I could add about myself is that I genuinely don't like drama. And not in the way that people say it to look for drama. Which leads me to wonder why I'm saying this now. Umm, I judge people too. Not in the bad way most people think, but probably more in the real way. Most don't like findings, and to be more specific found guilty. Everyone judges people though. It's how we make friends. The bad type of judgement would have to be hypocritical judgement. Where people expect more of others without looking at their own character. That's why I try not to be 'that guy'. Like 'that guy cut me off in traffic' or 'that guy is so rude."[/b] Realizing this was becoming a pretty heavy conversation he decided to lighten it up a bit. [b]"I also like ice cream."[/b] He finished his rant with this and returned eye contact. He had broken it a few times as he engaged his own thoughts, but always quickly returned it to her own. Her eyes had certainly caught his.