[@rechonq] More along route B just to keep it simple (unless you had a friend you wanted to duel-app with, then that'd be fine). Examples: A) Lab guard with lower security clearance didn't know what he was guarding, the girls bust out and you're ordered to kill them, you refuse, run off with them, ect. B) A retired swat officer or PI that ran across them by a sewer bank when they escaped. You looked trustworthy enough with your weathered yet kind complexion, took some of them in, helped them organize ect. C) A security consultant with a underground charitable group [not many left after the government crackdown] (the slums are very slummy, having an armed guard or two to protect bandits isn't uncommon) found one/some of the girls trying to steal food, stopped them, heard their pleas, then used the charitable group to help them get established in hiding, ect. [@MinervianGrey] Right here! Just waiting for more people to chime in!