[@Mugin]So I cannot decide which character I should use... so I felt I should leave that up to you. But both are finished [hider=S.S.R Encrypted Database] Click Below to access de-classified joint file of S.S.R Agent Omehia and Omehia [hider=Click Here] [center] [h2][color=1a7b30]Amara and Mesi Omehia[/color][/h2][img]http://www.timeslive.co.za/Feeds/2014/07/16/1127914_937550.jpg/ALTERNATES/crop_630x400/1127914_937550.jpg[/img] [i]Amara and Mesi are identical twins. The only tell-tell sign to tell them apart is their height. Mesi is just a hair shorter than Amara. But no one can tell really them apart. Not even their parents. They both wear the same hair style and clothes. The more similar they look the better. Both girls are skinny, but they are physically fit. They both have mocha colored skin, black hair and eyes. They have full, pouty, peach colored lips.[/i] [/center][hr][color=1a7b30]Alias:[/color] Rain Queen (Call-sign) or Beatrice [color=1a7b30]Affiliation:[/color] S.S.R, (S.H.I.E.L.D. African Branch, South African Army or SA Army) [color=1a7b30]Rank:[/color] [color=1a7b30]Gender:[/color] Female [color=1a7b30]Weight:[/color] 160 [color=1a7b30]Height:[/color] 5'8" [color=1a7b30]Eye Color:[/color] Black [color=1a7b30]In-Depth Psych Report:[/color] Amara and Mesi are inseparable. They do everything they can together. They are rarely made at each other. In fact they are never seen [i]not[/i] getting along. It's almost eerie about how well they know each other. They've been know to hold entire complex conversations without saying a word. Amara and Mesi treat other people as if they're best friends and always have been. They're easy to talk to and always willing to engage other people in conversation. They never make people feel stupid, unless they are extra super stupid. But they don't go out of their way to be mean. However the twins are quite capable of being scary when there's a need. They are not strangers to death or killing. On a battle field Amara seems to have no empathy. But the reverse is true, she cares a lot. When Mesi is on bomb duty and has to deactivate a bomb, she's very zen and calm. [color=1a7b30]Biography Report:[/color] Amara and Mesi were born in South Africa, Africa. Their mother was a security guard and their father was a guide at the local wildlife reservation. They weren't rich, but they weren't poor either. The two sisters attended a [i]white[/i] school for rich kids on a scholarship (For being African). Despite the prejudice they were subjected to, the girls didn't grow bitter. In middle school the twins joined the lacrosse sports team. In High School the twins continued to play Lacrosse, but they also began taking martial arts classes. Mesi began to specialize in chemistry while Amara gravitated to languages. By the time the two were sixteen they decided they wanted to join the Army and began to work even harder. When the twins graduated the South African Army was more than happy to take them. At first the Army separated the twins, attaching them to different locations. Amara received specialty training on terrorist groups and weapons. Mainly guns. Mesi received bomb squad training and a more in depth chemical understanding. When the two were in their mid-twenties, they were recruited from the Army by the African branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. There they were trained together in the art of espionage and they learned their most valuable skill. Pretending to be their twin. The two were able to fool everyone after a year, even their parents about whom was whom.This proved very valuable in employing each woman's skill set.[hr][color=1a7b30]Abilities for Amara:[/color][list][*]Linguistics (English, Afrikaans/Dutch, German, Russian, French, Farsi, and some African tribal languages)[*]Mad skills in martial arts[*]Long-Range shooting[/list] [color=1a7b30]Abilities for Mesi:[/color][list][*]Advanced knowledge of Bombs and Chemistry[*]Mad skills in martial arts[/list] [color=1a7b30]Weapons:[/color] Amara carries a [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0_yRG3FThUO0rQ7DhMl94guUUI72zRfT2kQLZMNiWNkvScVHngQ]long range, high powered rifle[/url], several [url=http://www.c1k.com/images/Ontario/socomlowres.jpg]knives[/url] and a [url=http://files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2010/12/smith-wesson-sd9-9mm.jpg]hand gun, smith & weston[/url]. Mesi carries the same [url=http://files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2010/12/smith-wesson-sd9-9mm.jpg]hand gun[/url] as her twin and the same [url=http://www.c1k.com/images/Ontario/socomlowres.jpg]knives[/url]. In addition to those she also carries a [url=http://lesslethalalternatives.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CHEETAH-KUSTUN1.jpg]taser[/url] that doubles as a sharp bludgeon.[hr][color=1a7b30]Extra:[/color] [hider=More reference photos] [img]http://www.1966mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Suzane-and-Suzana-Massena-Cover-Elle-February-2015-3.png[/img] [img]http://allthingsammamama.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/suzzanna_and_suzzanae__nyfw_9_20131.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider][/hider][hider=S.S.R Encrypted Database] Click Below to access de-classified file of S.S.R Agent Smart [hider=Click Here] [center] [h2][color=aba000]Veronica Smart[/color][/h2][img]http://media1.giphy.com/media/u5emcXXQSRZzq/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Veronica is just over average height. She has dirty blonde hair and yellow-brown eyes. She has pale skin without blemish. While Veronica is slim and toned, she retained her curves and has a medium sized chest. Her hands on the other hand are scared from years of hard work and error. She also has a noticeable scar on her right thigh that she always keeps covered.[/i] [/center][hr][color=aba000]Alias:[/color] Juliet Lowe or Sheriff (Call-Sign) [color=aba000]Affiliation:[/color] S.S.R, (CIA, Homeland Security) [color=aba000]Rank:[/color] [color=aba000]Gender:[/color] Female [color=aba000]Weight:[/color] 160 [color=aba000]Height:[/color] 5'8" [color=aba000]Eye Color:[/color] Yellow-Brown [color=aba000]In-Depth Psych Report:[/color] Veronica is a cold and aloof woman. When she looks at someone they feel like she's judged them and found them lacking. She doesn't make small talk easily and tends to be very blunt. Which often hurts and makes people angry. She knows that she is very skilled and often comes across like a narcissist because she wont down play her skills. Veronica is also a stickler for the rules. She likes to quote regulations when people are in error. Veronica, die to her upbringing always feels as if she has to prove something. Deep down inside she doesn't believe she is good enough. But she bottles that and all other pesky emotions. Sometimes, when it gets to be too much, she explodes. Sometimes this results in her yelling, screaming and/or ranting. Other times it ends up with a dead body. [color=aba000]Biography Report:[/color]Veronica is an only child. Her father wanted a boy badly. So her mother continued to try and try. When Veronica was six her mother finally became pregnant again. Then the unthinkable happened. Her mother passed away two months before her baby brother was due to be born. They tried to save the little boy, but he too died despite the doctor's best efforts. Her father hadn't been the most likable man even when his wife was alive. After her mother died, Veronica was treated like she was her father's little soldier. It was all "Yessir or No sir". No "Dad" or "Father". Veronica's father expected nothing less than perfection from his daughter. He pushed her to achieve straight 'A's. In addition he also trained her, in all sorts of combat techniques and gunman ship. By the time she was twelve she could dismantle and assemble a gun in under a few seconds. As she aged, due to her father, Veronica was chronically depressed. She didn't have a life outside of her Father's tasks and studying for school. When she was proficient enough in guns and combat he began to teach her hunting and tracking. Being in the woods became her solace. While they were stalking their prey he wasn't angry, he didn't shout. In fact he was almost like what she pictured a father was supposed to be. When Veronica graduated high school she went right to college for a criminal justice degree. While she was at university she took an internship with homeland security. When she received her BA she had a job waiting for her. She spent nearly six years at Homeland before the CIA stole her away. Ironically she only spent three years there before the SSR stole her away. [hr][color=aba000]Abilities:[/color][list][*]Espionage: Following and tracking specific targets. She's also good at playing mind games with said targets[*]Mixed Fighting skills: Mainly combat oriented. How to fight with guns, sticks, knives, bare handed, etc. She can kill you with a bottle cap.[*]Guns: If it's a gun, Veronica can use it.[/list] [color=aba000]Weapons:[/color] Various knives of various lengths and sizes. (Basically where she can hide a knife she does. This includes ceramic knives) Two hand guns, [url=http://www.taurusarmed.net/forums/attachments/other-handguns/34732d1345268020-there-9mm-resembles-ruger-sr22-3301.jpg]Rugers[/url][hr][color=aba000]Extra:[/color] Her father is the retired General Jake Smart, former Army. He consults sometimes in Washington.[/hider][/hider] And I'm done for the night. G'night~