Okay, the first thing is- leaving like that is just bad form. No, I don't remember. Honestly first person posts can be a bit hard to read sometimes, but not all the time. Plus, that was a while ago, and I may have been tired/feeling a bit under the weather. I don't remember. Also, Remus went and got your character, so, because you didn't play out any interaction there, I assumed your characters were still within the clearing. I would like to ask that you please edit your last post to have your characters present in the clearing (as Dracmon's about to get talking, especially if the right questions are asked. Player action's going to matter. You don't get to magically know things for nothing.). Plus, it was more a matter of asking the right question. And, in his own way, Dracmon did give answers. I decided to go a different route than the blind drop or the kindly-elderly-master-tells-you-everything methods. In addition, you'd have no idea how long it takes to get 'out' of said forest, or what the terrain is actually like, or what might try to eat you in the process. It could have been a plateau forest and your characters could have walked off the edge. Just saying that keeping your whits about you and letting me deal with one area at a time would behoove everyone, since I don't want to be running like a mad man, operating separate encounters, and trying to keep track of a splintered group. Sorry do chew you out like that, but I question why one would join a group roleplaying session, wherein collaboration tells the story, and almost immediately have their character(s). Leave the group. I have half a mind to have you attacked, but I'm willing to accept that we both have fault in this, and allow you to edit your last post to keep things going. If no one else can play off it, it's almost not worth writing in this type of situation. Plus, as I've said before, Baby Digimon can't fight well. On the narrative side, you have a not specifically athletic or confident highschool kid and a big legless salamander with ears and no tail going into a strange, unknown, alien world, the latter of whom has already admitted he's not a match for the not-so-large Dracmon. Mechanically, now you've cut yourself off from the only support network you have, you don't have many resources, and you know you don't have much of an edge in any kind of fight. I really don't see where it's coming from. I'll give you fair warning, if you're going to be "that guy" who has his character be a constant loner, that won't fly when everyone's supposed to work [i]together[/i] to win.