The troubled Moon Fey watched with appreciative fascinationg as Alya lifted the flute to her lips and began to play. Rilana had always loved music, and while flute players were common enough in Frigmount, Alya's style was special. Even without the magic woven into the tunes and tones, the melody would have eased her into sleep, so it was merely moments before the pretty fey found her eyelids drooping. Shifting around, she arranged her bedroll and her furs to accommodate her and her friend, as well as the unlikely collection of creatures who would no doubt wriggle their way between their Mistresses as the temperatures outside continued to plunge. Rilana didn't even manage a 'thank you' before she was asleep, but for once she drifted off without her silvery eyebrows creased together with worry and apprehension. Bad dreams did not plague her that night, though the storm that started up the next day would be nightmare enough.