[center][h3]First Chapter: The First Meeting[/h3][/center] [hr] Today was the inauguration of the Onshoukai and boy, was Kazuki excited, not to mention anxious. He jumped several times in place with the same excited grin in his face, without fading away even for a second. The classes had already ended. Hurried footsteps echoed through the hallways as the students hurried for their own clubs. Outside in the trackfields, people could be seen running while shouting 'FIGHT-O! FIGHT-O!'. Some others were playing football in the field nearby, and they too were shouting, 'Pass, pass! Shoot! Nice pass!'. There was also the faint sound of people moving around with their sneakers in the gym not too far away from the fields. The orange light of the afternoon filtered into the room, making for a relaxing tone of orange that enveloped the room. It was quiet too, and even the faintest of sounds could be made out. Really peaceful and calm... were it not for the excitable redhead standing at the center of the room and fiddling with everything he could get his hands on. He had some snacks, like fries and even some traditional Japanese sweets, and drinks, including soda, beer and juice, for whoever might come this way, and he nervously moved them all across the table to find just the perfect place for them. Even if the people coming were just did it because they were curious, or even if they were only new students looking for something to pass time with, Kazuki wanted them to stay there even if it is only for the refreshments. Unlike other clubs, he wasn't about to invite his new club members for a round of drinks, but he did have some alcohol he secretly managed to get into the school with some help of a fellow music loving professor, who was also the one making the rounds for the floor the clubroom was in. However, the amount of alcohol he had brought with himself wasn't much. He didn't want his club members getting drunk and sloppy. The reason for this was fairly simple and straightforward. His microphone was right in front of the table the school had given him, it should be fairly obvious for anyone joining this club because they saw the 'Music Appreciation' bit of the title. The room had walls of a boring brown color, a gray rug, a table standing at the center and two sofas (procured by Kazuki, must be added) stacked against the wall. [hider=The Layout, if you want to know better how it is arrenged aside from my shitty explaining] [img]http://s21.postimg.org/ehmcfw2o7/New_project_160112172856.png[/img][/hider] It was rather simple, but that was only their clubroom, where they'd spent their lax time. The main dish would be the Recording Room Kazuki was allowed to use for whenever they needed to practice, after making a really convincing case of how they could actually disturb the other clubs with the sound they would make. The radio club only had activities during the morning and lunchbreaks, so the recording room was theirs from the afternoon onwards and until the campus had to close their doors, which was fairly late too (around eight or so). He had the key for the recording room, his trusty microphone, several refreshments and a lot of free time in his hands. The perks of not having a girlfriend, perhaps. He just hoped that everyone else also brought their instruments with themselves, so they could get to practicing right away. [b][color=ed1c24]"All right...! This is going to be the best band ever, I'm sure of it."[/color][/b] He said to himself with fire in his eyes. Now, if only people started showing up... [color=ed1c24][b]"Now!"[/b][/color] He turned to the door every now and then, to see if someone actually showed up.