[center]~| Kaggath Prison Medical bay |~ ~| 14:47 - 15:02 |~[/center] The medical bay turbolift door hissed as it opened, but there was no Sith or imperial soldiers who emerged. All that emerged was a large droid of a thoroughly non-military nature. It did not look like much, a large 1.4m tall cylinder with a dozen arms, each ending in a different sort of tool. Its cylindrical body was covered in all sorts of protuberances, but no matter how clearly Imperial in design it was, the feeling it gave off was not ominous, but rather utilitarian. A few bleeps and a chirp issued forth as it rolled on a set of tracked wheels over to the damaged Kolto tank. If there were anyone in the room, it completely ignored them. The moment the damaged surface was within range of its multitude of arms, it set to work. melting cracks in the transparisteel, smoothing them over, cooling, polishing and generally making it look as good as new. Within minutes, the entire surface of the tank was repaired. The cylindrical body had extended along previously unseen telescopic components to allow the arms to reach the top of the tank. The optical sensors scanned the rest of the tank, after which the droid chirped with a hint of pleasure. Then it moved back to the turbolift and returned to whence it had come from. [center]~| 17:15 - 17:33 |~[/center] The medic that Corr had brought began to move, ignoring the words of the Sith. It was blatant that the young prisoner was not up to moving anytime soon. She already pulled out a scanner when she approached Xid (who quickly tossed the lightsaber into the bed's corner) and gestured for the troopers to move with her, their blasters held tightly in their hands and eyed the Jedi present for any interference. Thankfully the knight had rose from the bed where the stress was minimal on his ribs while he sat on the far edge, leaned to one side that hurt the least. Koren had moved aside, his words offered thanks and watching the Sith closely. Xid's expression, however, was slightly concerned when the woman leaned down to examine him. Her hands prodded the wound causing him to finch and cry out in pain. The medic shook her head disapprovingly then activated her helmet comlink. “I got a category one prisoner here that needs Kolto tank treatment or he won’t last the night. I need someone to fill up that kolto tank.” If she got an answer, it was not audible outside her helmet. “Get him into the Kolto tank. Now!” She rose, then backed off as the first trooper holstered his weapon, then stepped forward, quickly followed by his companion. Their boots stomped soundly, moving around Koren, and hands hoisted Xid up in a neutral manner, supporting him between the two on the way to the Kolto tank. Less than a minute later, one could hear a sloshing sound in the background as a viscous fluid flowed out of a previously unseen hole in the ceiling above the Kolto tank. It kept running for several minutes, halting only when the Kolto tank was almost completely filled. There was no doubt to anyone observing that the fluid was high-quality Kolto. Along one side of the tank, one of the transparisteel panels shifted on unseen hinges just above the surface of the Kolto, so as to make it easier to insert a patient. It would also mean that a patient would not simply be dropped to the floor of the tank, where he or she could be injured further. For armored soldiers, they were remarkably gentle as they lowered him into the opening along the side of the tank and fitted an air mask about his face, finally pushing a button to seal the boy within. After they pressed the button, the transparisteel panel shifted back into its vertical position and more Kolto flowed out from the pipe in the ceiling, submerging Xid completely.