Nori stared at Kyle in shock as he apologized while bent over in a traditional bow on the floor. She watched him unblinkingly for a moment, clutching her bleeding finger to her chest as she tried to digest everything he'd just told her. Nick had started the fight? Why would he do something like that? It was hard to believe the bubble gum chewing radio host was capable of any violence, given the fact that he always seemed so laid back. The guilt Nori felt for yelling at Kyle had increased five times now that she knew he hadn't started the fight, so she reached out with her uninjured hand and brought it down to ruffle his hair, just like he'd done that first time at the park. "Get up here, you big dork," she chuckled, pulling him up so that she could give him a quick hug. "Just don't have any more fight clubs outside my work, alright?" Nori murmured as she buried her head in his neck. "I really like you, Kyle. I don't want something stupid like that to come between what ever is going on between us," the blonde admitted. "And I'm sorry for earlier, about what I said on the street. I could have been gentler," the florist admitted. "...I also probably shouldn't have sprayed you with the garden hose, but I'm not sorry about that one. It was pretty fun," Nori giggled, before pulling back to inspect the damage on Kyle's face. "Jesus, he really did a number on you," she whispered, tracing her fingers over the fresh cuts that were scattered across his nose. "You should probably rinse those. There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, if you need to use it." [@BeastofDestiny]