[quote=@lovely complex] Amie looked up at the quiet waitress gratefully, [color=ed145b]"Thank you, darling. You can expect a tip before I leave! You're doing great."[/color] [/quote] [@Dynamo Frokane] [color=a187be]"Thank you for the compliment, a tip is always appreciated,"[/color] Shizuka replied. Though Amity seemed rather gaudy despite her attempts to 'disguise' herself, Shizuka appreciated her generosity and didn't judge the way she dressed or behaved. If anything, Shizuka was rather impressed at Amity's self-expression in her personal style as well as her character and personality, what little of it Shizuka had seen anyways. It was the very fact that Shine City had so many colorful people that made the city so interesting, and also why she felt it was improbable that Nick would like someone like herself. There were so many more interesting and outgoing people, so many people far more attractive. Nick deserved better than someone so plain; Nick could attain better, being a radio host and such a colorful personality himself. Shizuka saw herself as an anachronism, an old lady trapped in a young woman's body, too old-fashioned and uninteresting perhaps for this city. [quote=@Delta44] Taking Iruka's hand, Ryoki starts pulling her along at a speed-walk-jog-run-thing-sort-of-speed, heading straight for the closest place they could get something to eat. As it would happen, this turns out to be the Shining Kettle. Quickly finding a place to sit for the two of them, Ryoki takes a seat, urging Iruka to take a seat as well. "So, Iru-chan," she didn't seem like she was going to let that name go, regardless of if she were corrected or not, "mind telling me a little bit about yourself? Don't worry, I'm not trying to pry or anything, just curious! Here, I'll give myself as an example." Ryoki clears her throat in preparation for what would be a voice acted performance in the middle of Shining Kettle, though of course, she made sure not to make herself [i]too[/i] loud. She regards Iruka with a mischievous smirk as Ryoki got into character. "My name's Ryoki Mochizukki, hun~! But I'm fine with you calling me whatever you want...~" The Raven winks with that same level of natural talent as she had the previous night, delivering her flirtatious persona to a t. "I enjoy lots of things, like making music, voice acting, and..." She trails off and licks her lips, leaning in close as she whispers: "... doing the [i]naughty[/i]...~! Teehee!" As soon as she leans back, her character breaks immediately, as she beams a large grin. "Was that good? Ehehehe! Sorry. I probably caught you off guard a little with all that, huh? I was just demonstrating my -- ahem! -- [i]voice acting skills[/i]." The following giggle that ensued was slightly perverted-sounding as well as a tad sinister, though she finally returns to a state of normalcy in order to listen to what Iruka has to say, as well as place her order, as the waitress/waiter had arrived immediately after doing so. After giving their standard greeting and asking about their order, Ryoki contemplates to herself what she'll be having, before making an order for the sweetest slice of cake they had, if they actually served cake there, prioritising cheesecake above all else, shortly followed by pavlova. Should neither of those be served, then the closest she could get to something fruity or sweet, cake or not. Having placed her order, she patiently waits for Iruka to make hers, even going as far as helping her should she find herself struggling. With all that said and done, Ryoki continues the conversation with Iruka, should there be need to continue, asking about her choice of food and if she wanted more. [/quote] Shizuka took Ryoki and Iruka's order, though she was somewhat flushed. Ryoki's 'demonstration', while not loud, was rather immodest and made Shizuka rather embarrassed. She tried not to let her embarrassment show while she took their orders, and returned a while later with their food and drink. Women of this generation were so...bold. Here was a woman who could have any man she wanted by the power of her voice alone. Shine City truly was a beautiful city with beautiful people. [quote=@Viciousmarrow] [color=6ecff6]"Honey, what did you do?!"[/color] Alban asked her, getting her back to her feet and doing his best to console his crying daughter. [color=f49ac2]"I hit my head on the mean tableeeee!"[/color] Lucille replied, tears bubbling in her eyes. [/quote] At the first sign of crying, Shizuka quickly and safely put down whatever she happened to be holding and ran to the kitchen. Since a majority of all accident-related fatalities occurred in kitchens, the Shining Kettle kitchen was well-equipped to deal with bruises, cuts and burns. Shizuka rummaged in one of the freezers and took out an icy gel pack. She headed back to where Alban and Lucille were apologizing to Iruka. [color=a187be]"Here, hold this to your 'ouchie',"[/color] Shizuka said, placing the gel pack to Lucille's head, [color=a187be]"It should numb the pain and stop the swelling."[/color] Shizuka patted Lucille's head and ran her fingers through Lucille's hair before placing her hand on Lucille's shoulder, looking deep into her eyes. Seeing that Lucille had gotten most of her crying out, Shizuka smiled, [color=a187be]"There's a strong girl,"[/color] she praised her, and placed Lucille's own hand on the gel pack to let her keep it in place herself. Shizuka stood up and faced Alban, bowing deeply, [color=a187be]"I'm so sorry your daughter got hurt, it should never have happened. I should have been more vigilant. I promise it won't happen again."[/color]