[b][@Eklispe][/b] [b][color=f26522] Ixonia was suddenly so overwhelmed by the smell that she did not realize that the taste of burning of burning flesh was replaced by the stench of burning flesh. It was so strong that she actually stood up and got a lantern then proceeded to glance about for signs of a fire anywhere in the area. She was so concerned that she actually called out to hear someone else's voice. There was no sign of anyone else in the cave and there was no room to turn around for the wagon barely fit through the cave. If she wanted to, she could reach out and touch either side of the walls. It suddenly occurred to her that to panic is the worst thing to do. She must stay calm and remember that this was a test. Maybe a test of her patience or sanity, she was not yet sure but it was a test. Not the real thing. To help ignore the now nauseating smell of stench, she began to sing to Shadow for she to trust The Lore Master. Afterall Mystique had not lied to her before nor did she ever lead her wrong.... Only time will prove true. [/color][/b]