You rewrote the post twice and I even posted about him taking the horse in the OOC between the first time you wrote it and the time you rewrote it. The fact that the old man was talking to Abel was hinted at THREE TIMES in the GM's post. "Remember where I told the Inn was?" didn't stop and think "Hmmm this guy [b]never told Steven where the Inn is[/b]. Maybe he's [b]not speaking to Steven.[/b]" Then there's the fact that he writes "Then looking at Abel" before offering the horse. THEN he also says "It will be faster than running. The doctor is not as strong and fast as your friend here." How odd that the old man would be referring to Steven in that way? Could that possibly further indicate that the old man ISN'T TALKING TO STEVEN???? I'm not sure I can stay in this roleplay if the world is going to keep revolving around your character just because you don't read the posts properly or even apologize for taking away opportunities for my character to do stuff that gets him involved with the plot. [b] Frankly,[/b] I find it annoying and extremely disrespectful. I'm doing my best to help the plot along and I read every post [i]carefully [/i]to make sure I understand what my fellow roleplayer is intending to do so I can write a [i]good post[/i]. Is that too much for me to hope for? That same mutual respect?