[center][h1][color=82ca9d]Claire McManus[/color] [color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/h1][IMG]http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/americanpie.gif[/IMG] [b]Location:[/b] All Over San Fran! - Ending outside Nats Apartment [b]Interacting With:[/b] Sam, Each Other, Anyone Passing, Anyone In The Mighty Bean, [/center][hr][hr] Claire quickly showered and threw her hair up into a rough bun. Slipping on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tank top first before shoving her feet into her Doc Martins and rushing out the door of the gym as she slung her bag on her shoulder. Claire never owned a car back in Boston but she was thinking about buying on for while she was here but she had to admit walking from place to place around here was a lot better than walking in Boston mid-winter. Taking a deep breath of the cool air she smiled as she half ran half skipped down the street, there wasn't much that could get the girl down. Catching something out of the corner of her eye she slowly came to a stop and glanced over. Tas and Sam were relaxing up under a tree looking like they had a picnic; they looked rather comfortable to her. [i]"Well, isn't this interesting,"[/i] Claire thought to herself as she slipped behind a car in the parking lot and just watched them for a few minutes. A small smile came across her lips as she watched Tas there, resting her head in Sam's lap and laughing. [i]"Man, that girl really needs to wise up and see what Sam ain't saying,"[/i] Claire thought as she watched the two interact. Though Claire had never really gotten to know Sam since she moved into the building it was clear that her bestie was happy around him. [color=82ca9d]"And she says he's just a friend,"[/color] Claire laughed under her breath. [color=82ca9d]"Friend my left ass cheek."[/color] Deciding to give Tas a bit of a hard time, Claire slipped out from behind the car and made her way over to the [i]couple.[/i] Waving as she came into view and skipping over to them, flopping down on the blanket next to them and just making her self a little more than comfortable. [color=82ca9d]"Hello, hello you two,"[/color] Claire said as she grinned playfully at them. [color=82ca9d]"So, what are you two up to, mmmmm."[/color] Tas nearly had a heart attack when Claire plopped down next to them, sitting up quickly and shrugging, suddenly feeling very nervous that someone saw her and Sam like that. Clearing her throat she plastered on a smile. It was always good to see Claire but she had been enjoying her time with Sam, she hated that someone would intrude on their [i]moment.[/i] [color=a187be]"Just a quick lunch before I have to get ready for the party,"[/color] Tas said, giving Claire a [i]what the hell are you doing here look, can't you see I'm busy![/i] look. Claire chuckled, she knew exactly what she was doing. [color=82ca9d]"Right, looks like you finished eating a while ago,"[/color] Claire stated bluntly as she picked up an empty plate. Tas narrowed her eyes but was quickly distracted when she heard her phone go off. Picking it up she cursed under her breath. [color=a187be]"Damn it, I lost track of time! I have to get going, Nat is going to kill me if I am late!"[/color] she exclaimed as she typed out a quick reply. [center][b]To:Sis[/b] [color=a187be]Crap! I am on my way! Don't leave without me! Sorry! >