[@rechonq] Vivianne couldn't help but giggle at the mention of ice cream, as the thought of the cool, sweet commodity entered her thoughts. "Yes, ice cream is rather nice. Personally, my favourite flavour is caramel." She spoke with an accent when she mentioned caramel, almost making the flavour sound foreign. She doesn't seem to notice though, or, more likely, it was intentional. "Judgement of others is normal. To make presumptions about those who look potentially dangerous can lead to a lack of injury to the self. But at the same time, there are times where the judgement of others can have a negative effect." Her gaze hadn't shifted in the least. She held no interest in his weapon nor the world around them. Vivianne's focus was purely on the conversation at hand; to some, it might even be a little creepy, though of course her natural beauty and modest nature could distract them from these thoughts. "Negative emotions, in my opinion, hold no real value in the concept of man, aside from being the opposite to positive emotions. Balance is a key concept of life, hence why we have the Light and Dark Gaiae. Though we may not like it, sadness, anger and pain are all necessities. After all, if they didn't exist, whose to say joy, happiness and bliss wouldn't exist, either? They would become a normality - they'd no longer be special." The Violet girl then clears her throat, before taking the pose of a teacher about to tell a story to her students. "But I presume you'd wish to know about the Twin Gaiae, no?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "You may believe it if you so choose, but please, don't ridicule my faith. Though, something tells me you wouldn't be the type to do so..." She smiles and nods to herself, as though she'd just made a good observation. "Right. Now, where to begin...?" She pauses, a finger touching her chin in brief contemplation. "Well... I suppose we go back to a time before Remnant even existed. Long ago, there was no world - Remnant was nothing more than particles of gas and debris in the emptiness of space; the world as we know it today was nothing more than a dream - an idea. There were no men, Grimm, or even water, for that matter. The world was in a broken state, split apart into the tiniest fractions, unable to come together without a creator. In a sense, it was much like the start of a game - a game where one's materials were laid out in the emptiness, waiting for a creator." Vivianne spoke with the fluency of a poet, and struck all the right points, delivering her performance well. However, she wasn't near done, yet. "As time went by, unrecorded by the nothingness, eventually two beings came across the fractured bundles of resources. These beings are known as Dark Gaia and Light Gaia. The twin deities who formed our world weren't always so opposed to each other. In fact, they used to get along well - the reason behind our world's creation was because they worked together to make a brand new concept in the vast spectrum of things in this universe of ours. This new concept was known as 'life'." "But before they could create life, they needed the fundamentals to support it. This started with a basic combination of their life force -- energy in it's purest form -- which soon split into many smaller variants. Of the Dark Gaia came darkness, ice, and negativity. Of the Light Gaia came light, fire, and positivity. Combinations such as luminosity, lightning, and neutrality soon came into being, and as time passed, a whole myriad of things within this world had come into being. Finally, the two had the potential to create life." "However..." Vivianne pauses, trailing to add dramatic effect, and to make sure he was listening. "The Gaiae had different ideas as to what 'life' should be. For Dark Gaia, the Grimm were the ideal forms of life. For Light Gaia, man, animals and other such creatures of purity were ideal candidates for life. This was where the twins butted heads, and where the war between Grimm and humanity come into play." "Dark Gaia had put all it's might into it's creation's strength, whereas Light Gaia had given the humans something no other creature could posses - a cognitive ability, to bresk the chain of instinct. This ability was then channeled into the resource in which humanity could use to beat the Grimm - a mystical element known as 'Dust'. Though it was a finite resource, if applied well, it was enough to even the fight. After humanity's initial beating, they were introduced to the holy element, and have since taken to a life of relative peace. However, as the supply of Dust declines, the Creatures of Grimm grow stronger, and soon, we will no longer have the courage to defeat those who thrive on humanity's fears, doubts, and other such negative emotions." Vivianne tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, as she nears the end of her tale. "The Gaiae Twins left it to their creations to decide which life form should survive, in a giant battle royale of elimination between light and darkness. They hid beneath Remnant, deep within its core, watching silently from within, waiting for they day in which one may emerge victorious." "... So, what are your thoughts, now that you've heard it from a Shrine Maiden of the Light Gaia?" Vivianne asks with a smile. It seems she was really interested in his opinion. "I'm aware it's not exactly as cool as the [i]'Story of the Four Seasons'[/i], but I believe it to be the truth. After all, legends aren't just created from nowhere."