[center][h3][color=lightgreen]Amenoten[/color][/h3][/center] On the sake of the argument in his maturity, Amenoten felt the boiling impatience of his own desire to retaliate. Every comment felt like a blow in the gut and the fact that his mother, their queen, was the chiding voice to defend him did nothing to help. The undeniable truth, despite his best efforts to grow the height of his father's shadow, festered under Amenoten's skin. Plagued by the control on his response, it was a taut argument that broke only under the disruption of unworldly news: a thief captured on behalf of the pharaoh. Without hesitation he leaped from the center of the pond, on the heels of Diomedes with a hand to his sash. Tightly wound under the green garment was the hilt of a slender, curved dagger, hidden like a venomous fang for when the right timed called. In the presence of servants who lead them to the palace's closest foyer, Amenoten used the noble accent to pass a private message amongst himself and Diomedes. "You must be a jackal's ass to believe I would spare the thief of [i]our[/i]god-king!" The bare heels of his feet pounded down the passage, which snaked through levels of painted pillars, gilded rooms of extravagant nature. The foyer was a-lit this late still with torches for the royal guards and royal servants with the nightly duties. The unfurling of fire down the hall and banked in each corner, danced the visions of gods and their portraits protecting the entrance of this fortress. They were highly decorated in colors rich with pigments, engraved with the upmost care in their sacred forms. For Callie it may have been a state of unnatural beauty, had it not been for the circumstance of her surreal arrival to this place. This very real and physical world, where two fully weaponized guards stood on either side of the teen. They had no serene nature either despite their golem-like silence and acted on the behalf of a higher power. They had dragged her, without a splinter of hesitation, squeezing her arms in their brute grip. From the skirmish and hurried nature of such an emergency to expose a pharaoh's thief, they were covered in dust and had tracked in sand. When the cavalry of family members came to a halt opposite the young woman, Amenoten felt his fingers loosen over the hilt of his dagger. What he had expected came nowhere close to the creature before him. His eyes did not avert from her but when she caught his gaze, it begrudged him to feel a mixed amount of uncertainty in punishing this thief. She looked like no other person he had seen in his time... Her skin was absurdly polished, as if someone had taken sand and ran it over her to the transparency of the thinnest papyrus. The dirt and dust powdering her person, her unnatural clothing, and when they came within sight the guards had to jerk her down by the arms to convince her body to kneel to the ground. "Look, the bracelet," Nailah whispered as she held onto his arm, pulling the attention of her younger son to the green stone set in a gold band. It should have been too big for the girl, crafted for a man's wrist. But somehow it snuggly fit, glimmering in the soft ambience. As the guards rose slowly, the servants scattered into the corners of the room, leaving Diomedes, Nailah, and Amenoten to confront their thief. Amenoten's fury surpassed the idea to reconsider this girl's plight. The subtle direst of his mother's tone was enough for him to withdraw his dagger. A slithering sound echoed in the large chamber, a hush falling over the atmosphere. Its fanged blade caught the light, balanced in his constricting grip. "Let me see for myself, what you wear on your wrist," his tone evenly growled, testing the waters of this thief's emotions and mentality, pondering the idea that maybe she did not even speak the simpleton accent to Egyptian. Regardless, he refused to correct himself in this position of power, and the guards thrusted her in the elbow to throw the arm out. Rhetorically smug, and curdling his words in the back of throat, the darkness of the late hour crept into the young man's eyes as his gaze branded the girl's attention. [center][b]"What are you doing, wearing my father's bracelet?"[/b][/center]