Rather than look annoyed, Alex looked bemused. He hadn't heard people talk like that since the 70's. He couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "... Your mom must have been a major beatnik. Anyways, I really don't wanna be caught when the cops get here, so maybe we should make like the trees and leave?" he suggested. The sound of crashing was beginning to get drowned out by the music, which was being turned ever louder. Now it was so loud that the water in the pool was trembling. Alex had to cover his ears just to stop them from hurting. Tapping the girl on the shoulder to get her attention, he motioned that they should get away from the house, pointing to the front lawn. Once they were far enough away so that they could hear one another, he shook his head, laughing. "Crazy kids." "I'm Alex, by the way. It's kinda funny. My first impression of you, when you plowed into me in the cafeteria, was that you were... A shallow, stupid, tanned bimbo. I guess now you're just a weird, stupid, tanned bimbo now." he said, poking fun at her to grab her attention. She seemed rather spaced out, staring at the pool and the stars. Maybe that was just because she was a hippy. He did get that sort of feel from her, from the long spiel about the worms. "Anyways, what do you say that while they all the cops are busy, we go cause some trouble? Throw rocks at seagulls or put gum into pay phones, truly heinous things. Or find a convenience store, maybe it's just second hand pot but I'm getting hungry. You coming?" he asked, looking at her for an answer.