[center][h1][b][color=#ed0000]Bryant O’Connor[/color] & [color=#ff00c3]Belle Locke[/color][/b][/h1] Interactions with: Group text, each other via text, Feliks via text-[@Turnaround Amy], and Natalya via text-[@HushedWhispers] Location: Apartments [hr] [hr] [b]Texts between each other: To: Tigger’s OTL [color=#ed0000]Do you need a ride to the party?[/color] To: O’Connor [color=#ff00c3]Not from you. ‘Sides, I DO have a car, you know…[/color] To: Tigger’s OTL [color=#ed0000]Yeah, ok. Look, me a favor and let Nat have her day, ok? no fighting for the center of attention, most of the people in the group don’t like you already, don’t make it worse l0l[/color] To: O’Connor [color=#ff00c3]On my honor. I can handle one night.[/color] To: Tigger’s OTL [color=#ed0000]Gud. And I know you’ve got that fake ID. Don’t get too drunk or I’ll personally deal with you.[/color] To: O’Connor [color=#ff00c3];)[/color][/b] Connor shook his head as he looked down at the phone. He liked Belle, but she could be a little bratty at times, and he had just done everything in his power to put a stop to it. Hopefully he’d done a good job, but he figured Belle would be able to contain herself, at least for one night. For Nat’s sake anyway, being one of the only people in the group that Belle hadn’t completely turned against herself. Frowning, he clicked a button on his phone to turn on some music, this time some old school rap that he hadn’t heard in awhile. “[color=#ed0000]I wonder where Feliks was…[/color] He threw his arms back and forth before he punched out a text, bobbing his head to the music as he dug around in his closet for something green… Why didn’t he have anything green? [b]To: That Group Text [color=#ed0000]Nah, I know the place. See you lot there. Before anyone else. Gotta go fast[/color][/b] Eventually, he found a green polo, the only one in his arsenal. “[color=#ed0000]God I hate themed parties… Like, seriously? And couldn’t she have picked a more manageable theme? This blows.[/color]” He muttered as he pulled the shirt on and adjusted the collar, shaking his head as he snatched his hand out and grabbed the mask he’d purchased for this occasion. In reality, he’d bought three different masks: a Jason Voorhees style hockey mask, a Batman mask, and finally a proper masquerade ball one. Originally, he’d thought it’d been a ‘bring your own mask’ sort of gig, and he was going to exercise creative freedom with the batman mask. Then he’d seen the Jason one and decided he was tall enough to pull off a full Jason deal for this. Then he’d learned it was a masquerade-theme for the masks and it’d totally killed any fun he’d thought he may have with his costume. He snapped the mask on briefly as he took his leather jacket down, sliding his arms into it and stuffing the mask in one of the jacket’s inner pockets. The jacket had been very expensive, even for Connor, but he’d had it for almost four years now, and it hadn’t lost its shine and it served its purpose: it kept him warm no matter how fast he was going, which was often a problem on the motorcycle he’d decided to purchase when he’d realized just how bored he was of driving his car. The one thing Connor [i]didn’t[/i] have, that he should have probably eventually invested in, was a helmet. He thought it would have made him look [i]less[/i] cool driving the bike around. Reaching his hand inside the inner lining of the coat and touching the pocket opposite the one with the mask, Connor smile, feeling the envelope he had put inside of it almost a month ago. “[color=#ed0000]Alright, here we go. To the party and onward.[/color]” He punched another button on his phone then looked down at out it before he punched out another thoughtful text to Feliks: [b]To: Feliks ‘I can’t spell his last name’ G-something [color=#ed0000]I didn’t see you at the apartment at all! You’d better be at the party zzzZZZzzz[/color][/b] He shook his head and clicked the music off before heading down to the parking lot and swinging a leg over the bike that was parked in a spot next to his car, kicking the stand up. He slid the key in and turned it before he hit the button, starting the bike and rolling out of the complex and off toward the club where the party was taking place at. [hr] “[color=black]Mauuuuu![/color]” The kitten complained and Belle looked away from the phone where she had just finished sending a short text to Connor and frowned as she saw a hat on her beloved kitten. Huffing, she tossed the phone onto her bed and kneeled down and pulled it off, throwing it into the pile of mixed and matched cat clothing she had somehow accumulated. She never bought a single piece of clothing for Tigger… It was always Feliks. [i]Always Feliks.[/i] She snatched her phone off the bed and pulled up Feliks’s contact, texting him: [b]To: Kitty Fashionista [color=#ff00c3]Stop dressing my friggin’ cat! D:<[/color][/b] Sighing, she stood and strolled over to her closet, placing the phone this time on her bedside table. Tigger, satisfied now that he wasn’t wearing a hat, nuzzled against his owner’s leg and then hopped up onto the box Belle had placed near the foot of the bed, and from the box onto the bed itself. Carefully walking across the treacherous, cloud-like mattress, Tigger scaled one of the pillows(his personal favorite, a memory foam one in a pink case) and gave another meow of satisfaction before the tiny kitten curled up into a ball and closed his eyes. He could tell that Belle was getting ready to leave, which meant that he would sleep until she returned. Opening the closet, she hummed to herself as she looked at all the different possible outfits. “[color=#ff00c3]Green or Mardi Gras. I like green, so that’s probably what I’ll go with…[/color]” She murmured, looking at the different dresses and clothes. It took her a while, but she finally selected a green cocktail dress that ended just before her knees. After she changed into it, she grabbed her phone and sent yet [i]another[/i] text, this one directed to Natalya. [b]To: Natalya [color=#ff00c3]Hey, I got your group text. I’ll follow you, yeah. Sorry I haven’t texted you all day, we were busy at work and when I got home I was just like fuuuuuck this and laid down with Tigger. :< Wait till you see the present I got you, you’ll love it![/color][/b] She smiled after she’d sent the text and reached underneath her bed to grab the carefully, meticulously wrapped gift. It was a hardcover copy of a romance novel that both she and Nat loved dearly, with the inner cover signed by the author. She smiled and slipped out of her own apartment and briefly considered going over to Nat’s apartment to give her the gift before the party, but decided that she’d rather just wait. Grabbing her purse and heading toward the door, she looked over her shoulder to address Tigger. “[color=#ff00c3]Alright, kitty. You be good while I’m gone! No house parties, and no funny business. There’s cat nip in the bowl, and warm milk in the other one. You should be able to survive but if you can’t, bump the house phone and meow aggressively. Someone will come.[/color]” The kitten didn’t move from his comfortable spot on the pillow, but he did respond. “[color=black]Mauuu.[/color]” The cat said in satisfaction, and Belle nodded, slipping out of the room and down toward her car.[/center]