[b]Religion Name:[/b] Akitsushima Traditional Beliefs [b]Chief Deity:[/b] Tsubasa [b]Religion Description:[/b] For the most part, this religion has never taken hold outside of Akitsushima--why would it have? It does, after all, revere the Imperial family as guardian deities, and intermediaries with the other gods--those of the harvest, the weather, and so on. Though the family as a whole make for divine mediums, it's the Empress herself who is considered to be the islands' guardian--and, thus, the one that would be most recognisable as a god in the outside world. ---- [b]Magic Name:[/b] Innate Illusory Abilities [b]Magic Description:[/b] The province only of extremely long-lived foxes, this is the ability to craft illusions with no thaumaturgical knowledge or skill. Their comprehensiveness is only tied to their physical development--at the upper end, walking into an already established illusion is indistinguishable from reality (though it should be noted that it's a lot easier to see through or throw off an illusion you're there to witness being put into place). As a natural skill rather than thaumaturgical school, it has a few facets that reach outside mere illusion. Changing back into their original shape is an illusion imposed upon [i]themself[/i], for one. Secondly, foxfire: whether it burns or not is based on willpower and realisation that the fire isn't truly [i]there[/i]. Other illusions can occasionally gain psychosomatic properties--but they all tend to deal with the ephemeral. Illusory lightning can hurt you; a fake sword is always harmless. ---- [b]Name:[/b] Tsubasa [b]Age:[/b] Upwards of 2300 years. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Fox/Deity [hider=Appearance][img]http://safebooru.org//images/791/fff97c203567980293a55b857de2902ea99af844.png[/img][/hider] [b]Profession:[/b] Reigning Empress, Guardian Deity. [b]Personality:[/b] Tsubasa likes helping people: if someone's in trouble, it's all she can do to [i]not[/i] help in any way that she can. This has put her in rather problematic situations in the past--the sort where you're causing a lot of risk to yourself, and no amount of luck is going to get you out of it. Due to being insulated from the direct troubles of the world for the past thousand years and not having been terribly social for much of her life before, she's also rather naive. Not helping is the fact that she [i]is[/i] used to being treated like a goddess. [b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] Fans. They don't do much, but they [i]are[/i] bladed, so they make a good backup weapon. [b]Abilities:[/b] In addition to the innate abilities granted by her race, Tsubasa has those gained through her odd divinity. They are, however, almost completely useless outside of her homeland. She's a guardian deity--but she can only guard her worshippers and their homes, and even then not (directly) against each other. So, she can't actually protect a random guy from being mugged, even if she can cause a storm large enough to sink an entire fleet back home. It also provides her an unconscious protection in the form of downright uncanny luck: if someone, for instance, tried to shoot her, she'd duck the instant they fired to pick something up. Oh, and she can hold a conversation with gods. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] A long time ago, a fox was born--no different than any other vulpine female. This fox, however, defied the fate of so many of its fellows and survived. And kept surviving. In fact, it survived so long that an entire century had passed--and in the process, confirmed the truth of a later myth: a fox that lives more than a hundred years gains another tail and the ability to assume a more human form, making them indistinguishable from the more common beastkin. This fox survived throughout the centuries, growing tail after tail, until, through a process of events she still doesn't understand, Tsubasa ended up more or less in charge of Akitsushima--some time after growing the last. At first, she was just a normal ruler, but, due to her abilities and interest in the divine, slowly a religion began to build itself around her--until, freaking her out considerably, it [i]stuck[/i]. Unable to dump her post entirely, Tsubasa has basically allowed feudal lords to do the ruling in her stead, only stepping in when things get entirely too violent. Her stabilising presence has caused Akitsushima's political landscape to remain more or less indistinguishable from where it was eight hundred years ago, no matter how the outside world changes. Having not ever left her home country--or the one city for centuries--and with trade via airship becoming more common, the Empress stowed away on board one to get a good look around.