The country of Maeryn is suffering under the rule of an Emperor and his twelve noble houses. Fear and brutality are the tools used to keep order and heavy taxes are levied against the people. The Emperor's elite fighting soldiers, the Bornia, are all that keeps the people from revolting. The Bornia are vicious and skilled, they act as the enforcers for the noble houses that rule each province, wiping out any opposition to the Emperor or his nobles. The country is in dire need of change, else the iron scepter of the Emperor become all that there is in Maeryn. However, in the forest outside of a small fishing village, far to the north there is a bandit group. The leader of this group is said to be a powerful warrior, ruthless and cunning, yet strangely moral even in his raids. The village is about to extend him an offer that will spark in him and his bandit group the desire for power, and ignite a rebellion that will sweep across the whole land of Maeryn. No matter what happens, the land will never be the same. ----------------------------------------------- Okay, so there are some basic rules I want to point out. 1. NO god modding. It should be obvious, but I'm going to say it anyway. You will be cut out if you god mod. 2. Post at least a paragraph per reply. A paragraph is at least three sentences, though I prefer five. 3. There will be a little bit of a fantasy element to this RP, but don't get carried away. I want to keep it mostly medieval/action. 4. All characters must be accepted by me. Once again, it should be obvious, but just in case. 5. If you are going to drop out, please let us know beforehand if at all possible. I'd hate for the RP to lose momentum because of it. 6. Have fun! Be courteous to your fellow Roleplayers and keep it civil. Any disputes should be taken to PM. Okay, here is the character skeleton I'd like everyone to use. Name: Gender: Age: Species(if not human, keep it minimal please): Appearance: Personality: Skills/Talents: Weapons/Equipment: Occupation: Rank(If in bandit clan, assigned by me): Bio(Optional): Other(Optional, if needed):