[center][h1]Sulik[/h1][/center] Sulik crawled out of the dented wreckage of the speeder, thankful that Lucar had the good sense not to die in a blazing inferno. With barely-concealed frustration, he hauled Lucar out of the driver's seat and hauled him to his feet. "[i]In the interest of self-preservation[/i]," Sulik hissed. "I am going to take charge here." Sulik smoothly pulled a small device out of his belt-pouch. With special care not to let anyone else hear him, he began muttering into it. [sub][i]"U-SK to U-KR, U-SK to U-KR. Situation changed, need exit. Be advised, multiple points in airspace, exercise caution. Over."[/i][/sub] Sulik delicately returned his device and looked determinedly at Lucar. The air of professionality evaporated. "Ride's here, ten minutes," Sulik hissed. "starport's couple blocks away. [i]Follow me[/i]." Sulik took off at a healthy jog towards the starport eclipsing the skyline. By coincidence, it was the very same port [i]The Ardent Liberty[/i] was preparing to touch down in. Completely unaware of the situation he was running into, Sulik forged onwards.