[quote=@Spriggs27] Wonders Why KoL hasn't made the time skip, then wonders why others haven't posted as well. Oh and KoL if you getting pissed by me asking when your gonna make the time skip then you should work on it, Also I'm not joking anymore you should work on it. [/quote] Don't make me say something that I might regret later, can you? You manage to know that I have a life as well and getting back home tired fro work isn't exactly the best stimulus to writing a good post. I won't go more into it, because it's really 6 days since my last post. Still, be more tactful, since what you're saying is giving the wrong impression to the other persons around. [@PURRfect93][@Lucius Cypher][@WaddleDaisy][@TheWindel] I'll get my post done today, for real, it's my top priority right now. Don't go thinking the RP has died because of a few days of low activity and [@Spriggs27] trolling the OOC. I'm sorry if my absence gave out the wrong impression. On an unrelated note, [@liferusher], you were right, Charlotte is getting better even after that person died, I'm now at the episode were: [hider=spoiler]time traveler is first introduced[/hider] However, I'm getting this vibe that says that something will happen to Nao and Yuu before the ending, 'cause KEY anime pretty much never have a perfectly happy ending. I hope I'm wrong, but I know my tropes enough, so I'm already stocking on paper tissues.