What's the point of being a hottie-puh-tottie if you can't tease! ;P Some ways to continue..! Gabriel and Nadine begin their walk home and when he drops her off, she pulls him in for the hook, line, and sinker. They wake up the next day together, sober and hung over and coming out of their comas over breakfast to hash out what has really been going on with magic in the town and why it has cultivated here. Basically, this is the white rabbit effect, Gabriel being led down the rabbit hole. But the same thing could ocur had they never slept together, gone home with each their own friends, and met up a couple days later, Nadine having markered her number on his arm at the party. How to move on from there is I was going to ponder Cassie being part of a group, maybe four other people, herself, Nadine as a probie/freshmeat, and Nadine is trying to convince them to bring in Gabriel because of his natural intuition she witnessed with the fire [i](and six is such a lucky number for a group!)[/i] It would made our cast quite a bit bigger but plays into the idea of slowly evolving the cult culture. We could play these as fleshed out characters with their own dynamic agendas or as minor NPC's. If we choose the former, we may want to create some character skeletons. I think Nadine and Gabriel are going to start finding out that as they practice and discover more together, outside of the circle, the group scrutinizes them for actions of disloyalty toward the circle. Or perhaps the greed to opportune powers is striking schisms amongst them as friends. Jealousy and keeping secrets, somebody hiding away an enchanted object for their own upperhand in the craft. It seems like some people in the group want to take a role of leadership when the circle was founded on equality? Perhaps one of the four has done his own homework and become infected with demonic possession? Just pondering a couple steps ahead. You know how I feel, if you have intuitions of your own, I would love to hear them. Technically, if this is the first party on winter break, they have about 6 weeks until the next semester starts (end of January...) I don't know about you, but that's how long my winter break is in between semesters.