Vuduin took a step back: between the barely controlled rage, the standoff with a seemingly angry Rhyhorn, and the enormous amounts of heat exuding from the unknown women he wasn't inclined to get in-between any of it. Behind him he heard Wells perhaps making even more of a fool of himself if that was possible. What to do? The flame women was obviously very angry and not interested in them at all, even when it came to free food which was a bit of a surprise to Vuduin. Given she was an avatar she was most likely having a heated discussion with her Pokemon. A little bit of nap time magic might help here but if she found out he had a feeling there'd be hell to pay. Perhaps Seras would be better suited to dealing with this. Vuduin was leery of turning the rage of the women onto anything else, like himself, so he turned slightly to walk away- and bonked into Shade, at least as best as the gaseous Pokemon could bonk him. Vuduin looked down at the blob of darkness wrapped up so nicely with his red scarf and sighed. How was he supposed to talk to her? She clearly didn't care for any of them, he'd already invited her to join in dinner, and it looked like she'd have left by now if that Rhyhorn, presumably hers, wasn't in the way. Vuduin could only repeat his appeal, perhaps apply to her seeming job-seeking, or give up, which gastly apparently didn't like. [color=gray]"Ahem, I'm sure that if you're looking for work Justine would be able to help."[/color] Should he mention her being an avatar and the benefits therefore, or would that anger her more? He felt like he was walking on eggshells. Over lava. Fun. [color=gray]"If nothing else I ask that you allow her to make up for Porygon's action by partaking in dinner."[/color] Vuduin finished, speaking in a calm, polite manner as always. He wasn't sure why Shade was intent on having her stay but usually Shade was right about these sort of things and Vuduin relied on him more than anything else.