My personal character [hr] [hider=Claude, The Ex-Merc] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=a36209][center][h3]"Don't piss me off. You don't wanna see me pissed off."[/h3][/center][/color] [b]Sprite:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Claude Aster [b]Nicknames/Title:[/b] [i]Shitty Merc[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Marital Status:[/b] Happily single [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Family Ties:[/b] No one [b]Class:[/b] Mercenary [b]Weapon Mastery(ies):[/b] Swords [b]Inventory:[/b] Silver sword. Vulneraries. [b]Personality:[/b] The one guy you don't want to piss off and, sadly for those talking with him, his fuse is actually quite short. His ability with a sword is second to none, if a little more wild that your usual swordsman. Aggressive and volatile, not to mention loud, he is your usual bar drunk minus the alcohol. If he perceives even the slightest insult coming from you, you'll meet the sharp end of his sword. This obviously does not make him a social butterfly, despite being amicable by nature. He tends to scare people off when he starts getting pissed and starts trashing about. His only motto in life is to not trust anyone, no matter what, something he inherited from his father, so even if he tries to make friends, he does tend to keep people at a certain distance and always expects the worse from them. That way, it is more of a pleasant surprise to see that he was actually wrong. [b]Biography:[/b] Being a mercenary, an odd profession to run in a family indeed, but his father trained him since he was young to become the next in line of their lineage of expert mercenaries. Always put the job first and don't trust anyone, was what his father used to tell him. He is, was, really good at his job, but there was a single problem. As his father said, he couldn't trust anyone. When working with others, they would often turn against each other to get the other's part, betrayed them at some point for a better reward, and several others he does not bother of remembering, like the petty stealing of food. He's more scars in his body than he would like to have, and each tells the story of a different betrayal, because it was something he did not expect. Claude decided to stop being a mercenary and attend the calling of King Alexandro. Perhaps being a knight will have less betrayel involved and perhaps more, ugh, gag me, friendship. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Lady Croce, The Troubadour] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][h3][color=pink]"Thinking I can't do damage because I only wield an staff... they leave some nasty bumps."[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Sprite:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Joan Croce [b]Nicknames/Title:[/b] Lady Joan. [i]Ack, don't hit me with the staff, don't, don't![/i] - from her training partners. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight, at least for the time being. [b]Family Ties:[/b] Lady Croce; Mother. Lord Croce; Father. [b]Class:[/b] Troubadour [b]Weapon Mastery(ies):[/b] Staff [b]Inventory:[/b] Recover, Psychic, Vulneraries [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being a noble, Joan is no stranger to fighting. The woman is gentle, kind and often times oddly airheaded. Truthfully, the fact that she even decided to become part of a group of knights is quite baffling for some, but those that know her know that despite her being kind of mild mannered, she's got some maternal instincts that she just can't help. While she does not have a strong temper and also tends to be overly polite when talking, she won't hesitate to hit others with her staff if push comes to shove. She is not afraid of being hurt or of hurting others, as long as they are enemies, of course. She is good at housework, cleaning, cooking and sewing, her hobby being making stuffed animals (truthfully, she is carrying some with her even now). As expected, her understanding and patience is only comparable to that of a saint, but beware should she ever really get mad. Not even a legendary sword would save you from her wrath. Her horse is also quite temperamental. It has felled more enemies that the girl herself, but that's only to be expected. [b]Biography:[/b] A noble of the highest order in Jotenvarr. Joan has never lacked anything in her life, but the war that took ahold of Jotenvarr and Alistaf made her realize that there was certainly a cruel world beyond her gilded cage. It was a harsh truth, but one she had to face nevertheless. Even if she could have remained a pampered noble for the rest of her life, she did not want to. She didn't want to pretend that everything was all right, even if the others outside her own gilded cage were suffering. She was accepted in the order of priests of Jotenvarr, to become a healer. She isn't a big hairy brute to swing an axe and certainly you could not expect a lady to sully her hands with something as unrefined as an iron sword or such, right? Her training for horseback riding also made her the best kind of healer, a mounted healer. (as long as there isn't a beastslayer somewhere). She decided to attend the calling of King Alexandro to be able to do what she thought she should be doing. Helping others with her gifts for healing.[/hider]