It's a bit disappointing to hear that they will not be spending a lot of time together, but now that it is clear Viltez will come back to him at the end of it, Autharyx finds he doesn't care too much. Of course it also helps that the beast-man himself seems unenthusiastic by the idea. It's strange how this relatively insignificant and small mortal has so easily wormed his way under his skin, but then perhaps it is easier for him since he is mortal himself as well? Autharyx frowns a little at that thought. It's a bit... disconcerting to think that all his interest in Viltez might scatter like leaves on the wind if he sheds his mortal form. Surely that doesn't make sense? He is still himself after all, even with this mortal shell, and he finds Viltez interesting for perfectly legitimate reasons that will still exist whether he is in his true form or this smaller one. "I completely understand," he says, smile back now that he made short work of that insignificant line of thought. "I only makes sense that there are plenty of people who enjoy your company as well as your skills." He's still figuring out whether compliments are an acceptable substitute for a proper tribute, but even if they aren't, they can never hurt. Besides, it is not as if he would stoop to lying about this, and it only makes sense to let Viltez know he is appreciated. "I am sure I can find things to occupy myself with until sundown," he follows Viltez into the kitchen, though he makes sure that this time he doesn't get in the beast-man's way in the confined space, "What kind of game has your preference? If I have the whole day to track, I might as well try to hunt us up something special." He add's the 'try' for Viltez' sake, but of course he has no doubt he will be able to get them [i]exactly[/i] what the other wants.