Alex was completely at peace while he and Jo were relaxing on his bed, and he barely realized himself drift off into sleep, his mind fluttering to the last time he lost control… when everything happened. [I]Alex watched as Billie and Clary left the room, but he couldn’t help the pacing. He was beyond pissed off, but Logan had a point, so he sat on his own bed and ran his fingers through his hair. He sighed. “But by fucking Lucifer do I want to. That’s my little sister, and I have never seen her upset like that. Not ever. He deserves death.” He growled. He had to calm down though, and he closed his eyes. “How do you plan on dealing with it?” he had asked. The rest of that night became a drunken blur of anger, he had been drinking heavily with Logan, and once the next morning came he noted a note on his bedside table from Billie that said she would be in the cafeteria waiting for him. He let his feet hit the floor, and he ran a hand through his hair. His head was throbbing and he knew it was from the hangover he had. He sighed, and after a quick shower and getting dressed he headed towards the cafeteria. His mind was a haze, but his eyes fell on Billie, sitting alone, poking at her food before a voice filled his ears. Devin’s. He was spewing some bullshit about Billie being a psycho and having cheated on him. Alexis wrist lit up, his anger hadn’t calmed since the night before at all, and when Devin laughed it off like a joke he lit up entirely. His veins were glowing like fire, and he began approaching Devin. Billie happened to see it, looking around. “LOGAN!” she shouted, a crowd forming between her and Alex as the other vampires backed away from Devin. Well that wasn’t exactly the smartest thing the student body could have done, putting a wall between Alex and the only person that could put him back on the wagon, but it happened. “[b]You think it’s funny to hurt a girl? One who you didn’t deserve?[/b]” the dark bellow caused silence to ring through the cafeteria, the only noise that was heard was the inhuman snarling as Alex’s skin tore open. His form hunched, growing to about ten foot tall as his human skin shed off his form, his third and fourth eyes opening black. “Alex!” Billie’s voice fell on deaf ears as she tried to move through the crowd, Justin attempting to help her as Alex’s demon form towered over everyone. “[b]You call her psycho for freaking out? You dare speak a bad word on her?[/b]” he growled, fire coming and moving towards Devin. It managed to burn the ends of his coat but before much more could really happen. Billie finally made it through the crowd and she stood before him. “[b]Move little sister. Let me take care of this prick. Let me burn him.[/b]” Billie shook her head, and Alex growled a nearly animalistic snarl as he moved quickly, but Billie moved back as well, and she looked over at Devin and Logan. “You do realize the longer he’s here the more pissed off he’s getting right? Just go, I can handle it.” She said, her eyes seeing a fireball coming their way, and she managed to use her own powers to catch it and watch it dwindle as it sat there. She looked at Alex as he paced back and forth before her before she turned around, her eyes black. “I SAID GO!” Alex threw another as Devin and Logan left, catching Devin’s back before he saw it move away. Surely it was Billie’s doing, and he looked to his sister whose eyes were still black. The crowd had significantly died out once mortal peril was introduced and Billie’s eyes welled with angry tears as she muttered an exorcism. He could feel his consciousness fading and his body burning as she spoke and the last thing he remembered hearing was. “I told you both of us didn’t need to fuck up.”[/i] Alex groaned a bit and even heard Jo’s voice a bit before nodding. “See you in class.” He smiled, and after a moment of her being gone, he got up. He pulled on his uniform, still moving slowly, only slightly surprised when he heard the door open and he saw Billie come in. “Hey sis.” He greeted, and she looked at him and walked over and hugged him. He gave her back a gentle pat and he noted her pendant with a slightly dark glow. “You okay?” “Yeah, now come on, we better get to class. And don’t do anything stupid.” She said and he nodded. -- Billie had made her way out of the Arch Mage office about twenty minutes until the end of sixth period, her mind still a blur. He had helped her reset her balance again, but she had received the same lecture from the Arch Mage as she had from Lucifer. She needed to accept her angelic half and be done with it, but it wasn’t a simple as it sounded to them…. And it also had her suspicious. It was like they weren’t telling her something, but the only thing she could think of no one should have been stupid enough to keep from her. If Azrael was out of the cage she should have been told. Her secret was directly linked to him being away from her, and anything to put her and others in danger was stupid to keep from her. She closed her eyes as she headed towards Harlow’s classroom, and she put her hand on the know but she decided not to go in and headed back towards her dorm. She noted Jo leaving and it put a small smile on her face. She waited a minute before she headed in and when she saw Alex, she walked over and hugged him. She couldn’t help it, and after their interaction she placed his arm over her shoulder and helped him stand tall as they walked. “So, you cast Adrian out?” Billie nodded. “I could have done worse, but I didn’t.” she said, and once she and Alex were in the class, she made sure she stood normally. Alex not leaning on her anymore. She felt some eyes on her, but no one came close to her. She stood there with Alex as they were each handed journals and she rolled her eyes looking at it. Then they were given instructions on how they would be getting their seats and once Alex wrote his name in his journal and Billie did the same in hers she took them both up and set them in their respective piles before the names were called. She saw Alex’s eyes flash black when Jordyn was paired with Adrian, but relief covered her when she saw Logan and another of the Reid sisters, Tiffany, at the table beside them. Then her name was called after Zachary Mordecai, and she let him walk out first, smirking a bit at his back. At least it wouldn’t be all bad for having a vampire she didn’t know as a partner. She began towards her seat after that. However the name after hers made her slow down a moment. Devin’s. That prick deserved every ounce of punishment Logan was going to dish out, but Billie… well… she wanted to have her own bit of fun. She sat in her seat just before Devin moved to sit in his and she moved her hand and watched his chair fly backwards away from him as he tumbled to the ground. When he looked back at her she gave a wry smile before she leaned back in her chair and just smirked. Then she heard who Jackie was to be partnered with and her smirk moved to a grin. “Thank fucking Lucifer.” she mumbled when Garret’s name was said. He was indeed coming back, and that would help her out immensely. He wasn’t like Justin who had been trying to get in her pants since day one, but he was a good high up demon…. But he didn’t know about the feud. Well… he was about to find that out too. But there was a bigger elephant in the room, and she looked out of the corner of her eyes to Zach before it fully clicked that he was a vampire. Oops. She couldn’t deny that her eyes swept over him before she stopped herself. She sighed and noticed Jackie moving to partner up with another table, and once her head turned she took up a piece of paper and wadded it up, making it levitate to hit her in the back of the head. And she was getting almost frustrated that it barely did anything to her. Annoying. God, she needed some kind of stress relief, and for now this was helping. -- Adrian lifted himself from the bed and he managed to locate his clothes pretty quickly, only smirking at her words. “Relationships are left to humans.” He agreed with her, “But if I’m the toy next time, try not to piss me off so bad.” He watched her dressing a moment before he finished dressing and he headed out with her, heading towards toward their last class, seeing Logan and another vampire heading in and he held the door open for Molly, glancing down the hall to see Billie and Alex coming. They had been the last two to enter the classroom, and soon the odd seating ritual began and he got paired with Alex’s little girlfriend. He turned to Alex and he gave a sinister smirk before sitting beside the red head before noting the groups at the back of the class with them. Well, he knew this would be interesting for sure and he felt his own blood boil when Molly was paired off with Alex. Now, don’t get it confused, he was only being territorial because they were on the same page. They had the same boss. And not to mention they were now fuck buddies. He let out a sigh though, not paying attention to the other side of the room until he saw wads of paper hitting a blonde in the back of the head. He leaned back and noted a frustrated Billie. He just shook his head a bit and leaned his chair back on two legs, waiting for the class to get settled in so they could actually begin. -- Cole and Clary had been standing next to each other the whole time the seats were being called out and they were down to the last five. Clary could have taken being next to Justin but hearing her name being called with Drake’s she gave actually sad smile as she sat at the table with him. Then Cole and Justin were seated together and Clary watched as Cole scooted her seat all the way away from him, as far as she could. She remembered what happened with them. Billie had beaten Justin so bad that he had been in the infirmary for two and a half weeks. Cole had just started at the school about a month before the feud with the vampires and demons began and most of the demons tried to get her to leave. They’d push her around, they’d call her names, but nothing got through to her. Justin was the ring leader and he tried to force her into doing things with him. Clary had seen it and went and got Billie. Cole didn’t know about that part, but what she did know was that once Justin was forced away from her she ran. She had heard that Billie Sanders had put one of her own in the infirmary half dead, but she also knew that Justin still didn’t want her there. She looked to Clary who offered a sad smile again, and Drake leaned over and fixed Justin with a hard glare. After that night Drake had gotten extremely protective of Cole around demons… especially males. Cole hadn’t been aware that her discomfort had been noted by more than them until a random paper wad landed in front of her and she opened it. It was blank, but she turned a bit and saw Billie who gave her a nod and Cole gave a slight smile before turning forward. She forgot what it was like to have more than just Sal and Drake, but it was obvious that Billie, Clary, Alex, Jo, and even Logan were going to be there for her too. This was why she wanted to help. But the class was starting to calm down and Kane looked as of she was ready to begin.